Monday, June 10, 2013

Annual Conference Luke 6:12-19 06/09/2013

Our theme for annual conference is about praying hands with dirty fingernails.
Sounds a little disturbing.
I don’t like dirt under my fingernails
But the bishop has directed us here and the point is that
Somehow prayer and the work of the kingdom go together
One points us toward the other

Henri Nouwen
In what may have been his last interview before his death in 1996, Henri Nouwen talked about prayer

He lifted up the story in Luke 6:12-19 where Jesus spent the night in prayer on the top of the mountain. In the morning, he came down and created a community of apostles around him. Then, in the afternoon, with his apostles, he ministered -- he went out and healed and proclaimed the Good News.

What a fascinating progression.  Prayer, community, then ministry
The church too often has become stuck in the pew.  We did the first part, but not the rest.

We sing are we yet alive.  One day the answer will be no.

It is so easy for us to get off track.
we are busy fighting over all sorts of things and have forgotten about God’s world
Yellowstone story applied to the church. 
We are all inside arguing about silly things when outside the kingdom is passing us by

We Methodists are at our kingdom worst when we fight with one another
We are at our best when paint a school or partner with a church in Mozambique or feed the hungry.

If Wesley were alive today, he would invite us again to agree on the essentials, join hands and get to work in his kingdom.

The story of the good Samaritan-
If jesus told it to us, the people passing by would be a Methodist preacher
The second might be the Methodist lay leader.
The religious forget the needy.  Does that bother you?
The kingdom is brought to the table by someone outside of our faith family.
Does that bother you?
They must have been in a hurry to get to the temple to pray

How we have commonly thought of prayer
I have thought many wrong things about prayer.
I thought prayer was supposed to make me clean.
It was my duty to pray.
prayer was about getting something from God.
Spend much of my young life feeling guilty and not understanding.

The prayer breakfast in Lebanon
Nothing wrong with it, but Its not enough
It’s a bad place to get stuck

We want God to bless us -but we forgot that God’s call is mostly outside of our comfort.  The holy spirit calls us to places we have never heard of, to do things that seem unthinkable to us.  The Holy Spirit lives beyond the edge of our comfort.

Acts 9 is about Saul on the road to Damascus
Its also about a fellow named Ananias………

He is praying and he has a vision.
The Lord invites him to go to pray for this Saul of tarsis
13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people(N) in Jerusalem.(O) 14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests(P) to arrest all who call on your name.”(Q15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument(R) to proclaim my name to the Gentiles(S) and their kings(T) and to the people of Israel.

He sets aside his comfort
He is put in harm’s way
He overcomes his fear – lives through his fear and become a part of some things great.

The challenge of today’s church is not that we do not love God. 
We do. Our challenge is that we have created a God who is largely about our comfort.

Each of us need moments of conversion
First toward Christ, secondly toward the needy
Mine began in Russia in 2000
Meeting kids with one shirt.
Wanting to eat your food
Collecting sausage and bread for the kids on the ride home.

Pulled into my driveway and cried
Never looked at a plate of food the same.
This is where our members start to feel guilty
Not guilty, but responsible
Began to think of the faith less as something internal more as something external

True prayer turns us from our will to Gods.
I think Jesus said that in the garden…..

DeMello story about the woman
“I’m Out There”
Prayer takes us past our needs and turns us toward the needs of others

How to do this
Stages of Prayer

1.   I talk God listens
2.   God talks I listen
3.   Neither talks both listen

we don’t hover in prayer, we don’t bask in prayer, we don’t hang about, we don’t linger, we don’t relax with god in prayer and so we don’t often listen in prayer - we are afraid of what we might hear
if I really get to know the heart of God, what would he say to me?

- Barbara Brown Taylor
"We name our concerns, giving God suggestions on what to do about them. 
What reversal of power might occur if we turned the process around, naming our concerns and asking God to tell us what to do about them? 
Sort of a …..Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening."

We sit around praying for direction, for purpose when Joplin is flattened. When the prisons are full; when children in our towns are hungry.

As if In the American version of Christianity; Jesus gets married, buys a house in the suburbs; has a family; serves as PTA president for a stint; has good health care; has a fat 401K; lives a long life and dies quietly in his sleep.

We all must come to a point when we stop worrying that we are not getting our fair share from God. 
We need to Stop thinking that life is about me – and look instead to join the kingdom work and  invest in others.

True Prayer gives us a heart of compassion for all people but especially for the broken and wounded on the side of the road.
We can no longer sit by, we can no longer pass by

All human hearts desire comfort.  Some human hearts desire greatness. Friends, these are a contradiction.
These are Two things that cannot abide together.
You wish to be brave? Courageous for God? Then you must enter the danger zone. 

We must be willing to cross the road and stoop down to reach for the broken.  We must be willing to get our clothes bloody and dirty for the cause of Christ.

Not my will but your will be done.

This is the true joy in life,
the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one;
the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap of life…  
and being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod
of ailments and grievance,  complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. -George Bernard Shaw

I love that quote.
I love it in a painful way.
Challenging our life paradigms is always painful.
But that is the only way that God can move us from our ways to his.

One o f the root problems in our faith today is our soteriology.  Our theology of salvation.

Salvation hat hangers –
Ephesians 2:8-10  8 For it is by grace(P) you have been saved,(Q) through faith(R)—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works,(S) so that no one can boast.(T) 10 For we are God’s handiwork,(U) created(V) in Christ Jesus to do good works,(W) which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Romans 10 9 If you declare(L) with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”(M) and believe(N) in your heart that God raised him from the dead,(O) you will be saved.(P) 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

·        Good Samaritan- Lk 10 [what must I do to inherit eternal life]
·        The ten talents – mt 25, lk 19 – what is the kingdom like?  weeping, wailing, gnashing
·        Zacchaeus  lk 19 – today salvation has come to this house
·        Rich Young Ruler- mk 10, lk 18, mt 19 what must I do to inherit eternal life
·        Matthew 25 sheep and goats- not divided by what they believed, but by what they did
I was hungry and you preached to me
The righteous have done this for so long, they are self unaware…when were you hungry and we fed you?

Ephesians 2 & Romans 10 are fine except they allow us to stop with our comfort. Sort of a, I believe, and that is enough.

We have to decide whether we will have in this life, a salvation that is primarily consumed by me or a salvation that finds its expression thru me

Prayer centered primarily on me tends to see the value of me
God centered prayer sees the value of everyone
Loving God takes us From our mission to his mission

Missions isn’t something that the missions department does, it is what all of us do

GK Chesterton on the incarnation. Just as God came to meet us; we must go out to meet others.

Truly spiritual people are those who have learned to set aside their comfort and personal preference for the sake of the mission.

Peter rollins - It is time that we stop thinking of Christianity primarily as a way of believing, and instead begin to think of it as believing in a way”

Wesley would have gone there.
Although a big believer in salvation by faith 
He was also a deep believer in living your faith out.
Holiness of heart and life
Sort of a ……..No one is saved by works, no one is saved with out them
Being made perfect in love is not something that is relegated to the heart
It surely begins in the heart but love is never perfected until it stretches out to the needy

The church has hung its hat on jn 3:16.  God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.  That whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life.  Jn 3:16.  We all know it.

How would the life of the church be changed if we all knew equally as well 1jn 3:17

17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them,(AR) how can the love of God be in that person?(AS) 18 Dear children,(AT) let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.(AU)  1 jn 3:17-18

Usually the pivotal moments of our lives hang on the activity of another the gifts of another, or the investment of another. A teacher; a parent; a friend.  Maybe even a pastor. Made a difference in our lives
And so it stands to reason that the greatest moments of someone else’s life tend to be created  when we are investing in others. When we are willing to become the significant other to them.

Some years ago I was depressed little d depression. Friend sat me down
1.   What are you going to do about it?
2.   Helping others
He reminded me of a timeless truth.
We are not alone we are here to care. 
The man on the other side of the road was helped by the Samaritan,
but let us be clear the Samaritan was also helped by the man.

There is a joy found in the human heart when we help another.

God has a purpose and he calls you.
Not your pastor. He calls you.
He calls your pastor too.
To leave your nets.
To buy back the errant spouse
To feed the widow
To take up your cross
To find the joy in the timeless truths that is in

The prayer of St. Francis
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Then go to conclusion

God has given us this wonderful journey that we call life.
But We have lost our adventure; the dream, the fight, the calling.
We are bored in life and so we fill it with snow skiing, sky diving and vacations – one sensory overload after another. Then we come home and we are bored again.  
And we look to god and pray for god to call us to something…..

And the needy of the world wait

At a time when the influence of the churches warning, at a time when the reputation of the church is tarnished, at a time when people are looking everywhere else. It is time for the church to rise. Not a conference at a time, not a church at a time, but the church always rises one person at a time.

The church is not an end in itself, it is a launching pad. The disciples never pulled the wagons into a circle. Every christ follower should follow Christ in mission.

I have heard many sermons.  Most of them went in one ear and out the other.
I have delivered many sermons, often these too have gone in one ear and out the other,
But there have been those times.
A few moments that touched me.  where the stars aligned and I felt the touch of the spirit.
those moments set my life on a different course. 
If you have fallen into a place of comfort, may almighty God use this moment to catapult you into his purpose. 
Fan the flames
You cannot let fear hold you back – no great things ever achieved without fear

It was a nervous moment for the good Samaritan, but he pushed thru his fears and invested himself in another

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. 
there is a load to be carried and a destination to be reached. 
The open seas are sometimes rocky, but We are called to a purpose.
We Christ followers are to follow him, into the mission field to be his hands.  And those who work in the field always end up with dirty fingernails.

As St. Teresa of Avila prayed 500 years ago- lets pray together.
Lord Christ,
You have no body on earth but ours, No hands but ours, No feet but ours. Ours are the eyes through which your compassion
Must look out on the world. Ours are the feet by which you may still
Go about doing good. Ours are the hands with which
You bless people now. Bless our minds and bodies,
That we may be a blessing to others. AMEN

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