Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Calling - Part 3 Romans12:5-15 5-26-13

Sermon 5-26-13 Romans 12:5-15 the calling part 3

Veterans please stand and be recognized.

5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body,(J) and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts,(K) according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying,(L) then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith;(M) 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;(N) 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement;(O) if it is giving, then give generously;(P) if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. 9 Love must be sincere.(Q) Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.(R) 10 Be devoted to one another in love.(S) Honor one another above yourselves.(T) 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,(U) serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope,(V) patient in affliction,(W) faithful in prayer.(X) 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.(Y) Practice hospitality.(Z) 14 Bless those who persecute you;(AA) bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.(AB)

Sermon series that we are in
Pt 1…leaving your nets
Pt 2 .. called toward christ.  Called to live as he lived.
Showing empathy, feeding people, extending grace
Today Pt 3, what you can specifically do

Part 1 - Your call to every person……..
We talk about  this a lot
That is because it is the core of the Christian life
It is no longer enough to believe and sit
It is no longer enough to insist that we are right and have the special knowledge
Me must learn  to live missionally
On a mission from  God
Daily living it out.  In your home, in your place of work.

Lets talk about the workplace
If you are a Christian, you don’t have a secular job

Questions to God’s people:
How many of you start your work week and are already thinking about Friday and the five days of your work week behind you?
How many of you, now retired, couldn’t wait until that final day of work was over and your “retirement” could begin?
- versus -
How many of you wake each week and can’t wait to use the gift you have a passion to care about God’s people

Stats: [what is the source?]
Unhappiness on the job affects ¼ of the American work force
¼ of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives
7 out of 10 people are neither motivated nor competent to perform the basics of their job
43% of employees feel anger toward their employers often or very often as a result of feeling overworked
70% of employees go to work without much enthusiasm or passion – lacking the “have a super-sparklee day” passion

How do these statistics change when you are doing what God intended for you to do and performing those tasks to His glory and not our own?

We have divided the world into the sacred and the secular.
Does God love the redwoods and hate the badlands?
Does god love the grand canyon but hate Siberia
Or is all of it our fathers world.

Does jeff have a spiritual job because he is a pastor
So god loves the church but hates sprint?  The ford plant?
Isn’t all of this our father’s world?

Jesus didn’t have a spiritual life and a secular life
Imagine asking jesus, how is your spiritual life?
Everything is spiritual
Everywhere you go grace can flow thru u
And that includes the work place

Part 2 - Ministry calling in the local church…….
How do you pick your specific thing?
Hitting that “Sweet Spot” in your life!  Golf, Tennis, Baseball – it just feels perfect and you can’t wait to do it again – like when you use your gift from God to care for someone in his name

What drives your passion?
If you could get paid to do what you love…what would that be?

Story:  the holy land omelet makers in Tiberius
The book – Fish!

What were your favorite things to do as a child?
Did you spend your time reading books…
Or playing a sport…
Or drawing pictures…
Or playing games…

What keeps me awake when I should be falling asleep at night?
A person…
A task…
An event…
A thought needing to be expressed…

The answer will expose what drives you, what makes you cry, and what lingers in your mind when the world goes dark.

What wakes us up when we should still be sleeping in the morning?
A person or people…
Your work…Heaven’s calendar has seven Sundays a week!
A specific task you can’t wait to get started on…
An event you’ve been waiting for…
A statement you feel led to deliver…
A belief that God wants to use you

The answer will uncover what you value, what you’re committed to and what excites YOU!

Characteristics that God blesses us with to take up His calling: 
Maybe you have an  uncanny ease with numbers
Maybe you have an  quenchless curiosity about chemistry
Maybe you look at a blueprint and drool
Maybe you have  A mind that understands quantum physics
Maybe the Colors at the Home Depot paint department excite you
Maybe Music sets you on high

Today I want to share with you some specific needs in our church right now
You might be called to help with a mission through our church:
1)   We have a new community garden this year.  Help is needed to tend the garden, and then pick the produce, clean it, and bag it for families in need in our community. 
2)   Our church is adopting a village in Nicaragua.  There will be many opportunities to serve both here and in Nicaragua.
3)   You can make the difference in the life of a child by serving as a mentor or book buddy at Spofford Children’s Home.
4)   Hillcrest Transitional Housing is always in need of budget counselors for the residents living there.  They also have a thrift store which needs helping hands.
5)   Our annual Back to School Drive is coming up.  Hundreds of kids around the city need tennis shoes, clothes, and school supplies.  You can help with this effort.
6)   During the school year, our church provides BackSnacks each weekend to over 100 children.  Help is needed to bag the food and deliver to the schools each week.

When we first moved into this building there was so much to do…..
We used to have Sundays where the entire sermon was about ways that you can help.  What you might be called to.  at the end of the sermon, you could go to any of the 4 corners and sign up
Hospitality team.  Reading to we care children, repair and paint crew, landscape team.

There are opportunities to work with people.  Opportunities to work with plants. Opportunities to build things

Pick up the pamphlet at the info desk.  Go online and search.  There are literally hundreds of things that you can do.  take a look.  See what speaks to you

Part 3 - Vocational calling..
Finally are you sensing a call to……….vocational calling
Pastor, missionary, chaplain etc
This is where I need you to talk about the calling that you felt……
This is where I am going to talk about the time that I quit ministry….
Sometimes people feel a calling to this.  You are gripped.
It doesn’t go away
Romans 11:29
The gifts and calling of God are without repentance KJV
29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. NIV
God’s gifts and God’s call are under full warranty—never canceled, never rescinded- the msg

Someone here -you may have this aching feeling. 
Fan the flames.  Stir up the gift.
Pray about it
Talk to God
Visit with one of our pastors.

Connecting to your call is Finding the best you
Finding purpose.  Usefulness.  Peace.
The promised land.  For this I was created.

Reflecting on this great line, author and pastor John Ortberg says, “This sense of having been called — the worthiness of it, the glorious goodness of a life lived beyond an individual’s agenda — is a precious thing. As we locate the warm embers of God’s calling inside ourselves, we must faithfully fan those flames. God desires for a sense of mission to burn within us, driving us forward in the perilous journey we call life.

The holy spirit leads you outside of your comfort zone into daring places for God.
Let us leave our nets  Let us lean into jesus.  Let us follow the leading

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