Monday, July 21, 2014

Neglected Virtues: Honesty, 7/20/14

Sermon 7-20-14 neglected virtues - honesty

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Proverbs 16:28 A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends
Proverbs 28:6 Better the poor whose walk is blameless than the rich whose ways are perverse
Proverbs 20:23 The Lord detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please him.
Proverbs 10:9 Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
    but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out..
Proverbs 12:22 The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Series continued – neglected virtues –
Tom Goddard’s car – im gonna tell a little story about it
Today - honesty
A commentary on the times is that the word “honesty” is now preceded by “old-fashioned.”

Proverbs are the collective wisdom of the Jewish people

What do we know about honest?
George Washington- I cannot tell a lie

We all have our moments with dishonesty…….A few personal stories
The hand grenade

What im not talking about
Do you like my new hairdo– we are not talking about that
Does not excuse - Little white lies

Much in proverbs re honesty
·        God is annoyed with bad behavior: lies, wickedness, evil, stirring up conflict
God is not the cosmic killjoy.  Sin is bad for us
·        Gossip separates friends
·        Better to be poor and honest
·        Unfairness in business is on his list – espn cheers and jeers
Laying asphalt for Forbes Construction
·        Ultimately there are no secrets in Gods economy - You will be found out
·        God delights in the trustworthy

Dishonesty tempts us - it is the human way?
·        We think life is about money so we cheat to get more
·        We try to make ourselves important by stepping on the necks of others
·        Or by putting them down via gossip
·        We trust in our selves instead of god – pride.  Aren’t I something?
Doesn’t that just rub you the wrong way?
If you have to tell someone how great you are, what does that say?
·        Dishonesty - Its just our natural human way
·        Dishonest doesn’t work – good people sniff it out and stay away

Teddy Roosevelt was known for being completely honest.  A story is told from before he was president…… his men were out on the range, crossing lands belonging to one of Roosevelt’s neighbors. They came across a steer which had not yet been branded and, lighting a fire, the cowboy prepared the irons and got ready to apply the brand. Roosevelt stopped him.

“Wait, it should be my neighbors brand,” he said.
“That’s all right, boss,” the cowboy replied, applying the brand.
“But you’re putting on my brand,” Roosevelt protested.
“That’s right,” said the cowboy, “I always put on the boss’s brand.”
“Drop that iron,” Roosevelt demanded, “and get back to the ranch and get out. I don’t need you anymore. A man who will steal for me will steal from me.”

If you want to run with good people then life an honest life.

1.  to live a life of character is its own reward – contentment

One time a teacher was passing out a trigonometry test, and just before the test was received by the students, the wise teacher spoke these words:

I'm giving you two tests today, one in trigonometry and one in honesty. I hope you pass both of them. But if you pass only one, be sure it's the test in honesty because there are a lot of good men who don't know any trigonometry, but there are no good men who are not honest.

2.  honesty - it is god’s way

There was once a rabbi in a small Jewish village in Russia who vanished every Friday morning for several hours. The devoted villagers boasted that during these hours their rabbi ascended to heaven to talk with God. A skeptical newcomer determined to discover where the rabbi really went.

One Friday morning the newcomer hid near the rabbi's house, watched him rise, say his prayers and put on the clothes of a peasant. He saw him take an ax and go into the forest, chop down a tree and gather a large bundle of wood. Next the rabbi proceeded to a shack in the poorest section of the village in which lived an old woman and her sick son. He left them the wood which was enough for the week. The rabbi then quietly returned to his own house.

The story concludes that the newcomer stayed on in the village and became a disciple of the rabbi. And whenever he heard one of his fellow villagers say, On Friday morning our rabbi ascends all the way to Heaven, the newcomer quietly added, if not higher. (4)

Cleanliness is next to godliness?  Honesty is next to godliness

4. when we are honest - our hearts are clean –
21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 1 jn 3:31
you know when your heart is right
you don’t need to tell anyone that you are ok when you are doing right
if you are here today and your heart is not ok – don’t leave without praying to make it right.

honesty tells us that You can be yourself.  No masks.  No pretending. People respond to authenticity

people will be able to relate to you when you are honesty
          Jesus was himself
That is why the Pharisees hated him
          Be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken

Dave Thomas founder of wendy’s -  I was born out of wedlock in New Jersey in 1932. A Michigan couple adopted me just after I was born. My adopted mother died when I was only 5, but I had the good fortune to have a wonderful adoptive grandmother, Minnie Sinclair, who looked out for my welfare and helped shape my beliefs. I did not discover that I was adopted for many years, and, I have to admit, this made me angry and resentful for some time. I wish I had known from the beginning.

Yet after I learned the truth, I didn't always share it with others. One day, an African-American Wendy's manager buttonholed me and said, Dave, when you gave your speech today, you left out the part about being adopted. Why did you do that? I always related to that because I was adopted myself. The comment hit home. From that point on, I made it a practice to be fully honest and proud about my past.

True love does not exist until we know the other persons warts
You will never be spiritually engaged with this church until you see the parts of it that are less than perfect and say, ok.  This is still my place.

7. honesty brings great gain
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 tim 6:6
There is a reward in this life and the next

An old Chinese folk tale tells of an emperor who summoned children from all over the empire and announced that one of them would become the next emperor. “As you leave today,” he explained, “you will be given a seed. You must nurture and care for it. In one year’s time, you will return here with your plants, and by looking at them I will know who is the new emperor.”

Each child received a special seed and hurried home with great excitement to plant it. One boy, Ling, faithfully planted his seed, tended and watered it. But it failed to sprout. He listened with dismay as his friends all boasted about how large and beautiful their plants were becoming.

A year later, Ling still had nothing to show for his work. He was afraid to go back to the emperor, but his mother convinced him it was his duty to obey the emperor’s command. By the time he arrived at the palace, the great hall was already filled with beautiful plants and even some small trees. Ling stepped quietly into the shadows, holding his pot of bare earth.

The emperor arrived but seemed oddly unimpressed by the thriving plants. Then his eye fell upon Ling, and he commanded his guards to bring the boy into the royal presence. Laughing at the spectacle of this boy with his empty pot of earth, the guards brought him forward.

Ling was shaking with terror, certain he would be put to death. He listened in astonishment as the emperor declared, “Today I have chosen your new emperor. Behold! It is this boy!”

“I don’t understand,” said Ling. “I failed to grow anything from my seed!”

“That is exactly the point,” said the emperor. “I gave each of you a boiled sweet, not a seed. No one could have grown a plant from any of them. Only this boy had the courage and honesty to return today and tell me the truth. He alone has the makings of an emperor!”=-0998

There is something about honesty.  Goodness
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy peace patience gentleness goodness.

True character is what you do when no one's looking.
• Golfer Ray Floyd, in contention for a golf championship some time ago, addressed the ball to putt it into the cup. The ball moved. Although no one had noticed, he called the penalty on himself, bogied the hole and lost the championship.

1. Being honest is a matter of the will. It’s a choice. No one forces you
2. Being honest is a matter of training and habit
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Phil 4:8-9

3. An honest person is a blessing… a credit:

an honest person is a credit
1) to their family.
2) to their employer.

In the early days of ford motor company a machinist got into the habit of carry tools home with him.  Although it was against company policy, everybody did it, and management did nothing about it.

One day, however, the machinist was converted. He was baptized and became a believer. The day after his baptism, he gathered up all the tools he had collected over the years, loaded them into his model A, took them to the plant and presented them to the foreman with his confession and request for forgiveness.

The foreman was so overcome by his honesty that he cabled Henry Ford himself, who was visiting a European plant. After explaining the entire event in detail, Ford immediately cabled back this response: Dam up the Detroit River, he said, and baptize the entire plant.

3) to their employer,  to their country. to their church.
5) to their world and To their God
Lets pray

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