Monday, December 16, 2013

Making Christmas Great, Isaiah 9:6-7, 12/1/13

Sermon 12-1-13 Making Christmas great   Isaiah 9:6-7


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. kkkkk


 Today is the first Sunday of advent

We are starting a new series titled – how to have a great Christmas


Today =  Santa vs. Jesus [vs. may be too strong.  I don’t want to crush the visions of a 6 year old that still believes]


There is a short 1 minute video of Santa and Jesus.  Pc vs Mac VIDEO


Its Jesus birthday and we act like it’s about Santa                     Picture

Mano e mano. There can be only one

Who is gonna win?


Santa represents the commercial end of Christmas.  What our culture has done. [give a few examples]

Advent calendars                                                                  PICTURES

          Snow men

          Scooby do



A Focus on gifts and what I will get. Disappointment, jealously, broken toys.


Diminishing  of Christ

We make Jesus into a Santa figure

          He is the coke machine god

          We forget the real story


Comsumerist Christmas ends. I

ts over- this is one of the most difficult parts

Christmas is never supposed to be over

It’s a birth.  A beginning.

Imagine your child is born.  You wait.  You celebrate.  Then you walk away and leave the baby?  Oh no………

A birth is the beginning of something

We experience many things in life as static events

          My 16 and 21st birthdays were not static.  Monumental

          But now my birthdays are static


Should Jesus birthday, Christmas be a static thing?

Some things in life we come to year after year and nothing changes

Imagine that there is something new

Something to learn

There is a new angle-at least for us…..


The Jesus portrayed in scripture is barely noticeable among the advertisements of our day

Unto us a child is born…………

What makes a great Christmas?  A tree?  A stocking? A child

Something that God did

Something amazing

He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

          The comfort of a counselor.  The strength of the mighty

          The dependability of a father, the peace of the prince of peace

Too many people today are satisfied with the commercial Christmas stuff


The commercial Christmas of our culture is flat hollow shallow

Remember Flat Stanley.                                   PICTURE

Where is real Stanley?


What of the soulfulness of Christmas?

The culture has robbed us of the soulness of Christmas

The soulness of Christmas.  What its really about.  God with us. 

We with one another.


Steve jobs stuff –excitement is on the way

Come with me and let’s change the world  Video?


From bob Fillmore

Steve Jobs is addressing the employees of Apple…

“I’m really excited to be here…I want to show you something that’s amazing…no else in the world has seen it.   It’s going to revolutionize the heart.

It’s a tool for the heart…and if you can touch someone’s heart…the possibilities are limitless.   It’s insanely cool. It’s a music device…1,000 songs in your pocket…I introduce you to the i-pod. It’s what’s coming…”  Applause…


In Christmas we recognize that something is happening

An announcement is made

We are really excited to be here

Something is happening that’s amazing

No one else in the world has seen it

It is a revolutionary thing

It’s a gool for the heart

Its going to touch hearts in a way that is limitless

Insanely cool

I introduce to you the savior

He is whats coming


The soulfulness of Christmas………Not a kingdom of flash

A thing of the heart

One person at a time


Good theology works in every country

Christmas in Nicaragua isn’t about getting stuff

It’s a thing of the soul

He came to atone for our sins

It’s a thing of the soul


Not a punch the ticket thing of the soul, but a thing for soulful living


God knows you

You are the raw materials of the kingdom

He wants to reach into your soul and touch you.


As I think of the things of the soul, I am reminded of Ira byock’s book

The four things that matter most

Doctor that works in palliative care


4 most important things you can say to another human

God says them to us, so we can say them to each other

·        Im sorry

·        I forgive you

·        I love you

·        Thank you


You are the raw materials of the kingdom

God’s love is the fire

It is a combustible combination


This is the work of Christ

Forgiving us

Healing us

Restoring us

This is the work of Christmas


For god to do in us

For us to offer to others

Come with me and lets change the world

Or we settle for the plastic Christmas of our culture


From bob fillmore

Jobs was looking for the best marketing person…and set is goal to recruit the VP of Marketing for Pepsi.  “You’ll never get him…why would he ever leave Pepsi?”

Jobs approached the marketing man and asked the question, “Do you want o sell sugar water the rest of your life…or come with me and change the world?”


Do you want to settle for the commercial Christmas of our culture

Or find that thing that is amazingly real?

Christmas doesn’t have to be the same.

Jesus says to us…….come with me and let’s change the world.

Immanuel. God with us.


Lets pray




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