Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Straight Talk About Life & Death Eccl 3:9-14 10/14/2012

10-14-12 Sermon straight talk about life and death  Eccl 3 9-14

What does the worker gain from his toil?(E) 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on men.(F) 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.(G) He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom(H) what God has done from beginning to end.(I) 12 I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. 13 That everyone may eat and drink,(J) and find satisfaction(K) in all his toil—this is the gift of God.(L) 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.(M)

Need some volunteers for the orchestra

The scripture says
To eat and drink and find satisfaction in your work.  This is a gift of God
How many people really find satisfaction and joy in life?

We are asleep in this life
Walking with our heads down
We are exhausted
We have allowed ourselves to be drug into parts of life that don’t matter
We have lost the party
We have lost the celebration
We need to remind each other that life is good.

Here of smiling child
Most babies understand that life is a celebration. 
Everyone is happy.  Everything is good. 
There is a general trust in the world
Yet it doesn’t take very long and we grow out of that simple innocence.

Partly because of what others do to us
We carry many Burdens upon our backs
Woe to the Pharisees u put them on others, but won’t carry them yrselves
Voices of authority that hurt us
Voices that are still in the back of our heads- years later

Partly we get hurt because we take the messages in.
We take them in.  we allow these voices to hurt us
You can be in pain and suffer, or you can be in pain and not suffer.
Monk found enlightenment.  Before enlightenment, I was depressed and I suffered.  After enlightenment, I am still depressed, but I no longer suffer

Jesus said, don’t worry about your life….
He talked about the birds of the air and the Lilies of the field
We worry about so much

The dog and the rabbit.
One runs for fun the other runs for its life.
Which does you life feel like?

Awake thou that sleepest
Eph 5:14 Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

This is about more than saying yes to Jesus.
Some Christians punch their ticket for heaven
they believe but have no joy - no celebration
We are missing a great thing in this life

Picture here
Mom’s norman Rockwell
“lift up thine eyes”

We spend a lot of time in this life looking at the wrong things
We focus on and invest in things that will not satisfy
Cars, clothes and stuff. 
The one with the most toys at the end wins.
When we focus on what we want we are never happy.
When we focus on the good parts of life, then we are whole.

Life is both work and spirituality
I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.
God has placed eternity in their hearts- we know that there is more

I was speaking at a funeral recently, it was my job to talk about the person’s spiritual life.  But as I listened to the family and friends talk about the person’s personal life, I realized that their entire life was spiritual.
So is yours.
Imagine asking Jesus – “How’s your spiritual life?”
Its all spiritual.  The trick is to wake up and act like it.
To see life for what it is

What if you stop thinking of yourself as tall or short, rich or poor.  Wearing nice or cheap clothes.
Nice car, old car. 
You are not your house, your clothes or even the people around you. 
You are not them and you are not defined by them unless you allow yourself to be

What if you think of yourself right now as the sum total of the love that is in your life.  Are you empty or are you full?
When you think of the love that you have, even if it is just a little bit.  Doesn’t that make you happy?  When we think of the love in our hearts, doesn’t the rest of life cease to be important?

People that are awake are no longer trapped by everything that happens to them
They are no longer dominated by the worries of life.
The Symphony
they see life as a symphony.  Every person, every part, is a beautiful layer of the music.

How do you know if you are awake to life?  How do you see yourself?  How do you see others?

It is a difficult journey that not everyone undertakes.
One writer describe his struggle in terms of trying to make progress on the three most difficult things

The three most difficult things for any human being
1.     Returning love for hate
2.     Including the excluded
3.     Admitting you were wrong
See the world as god sees the world and you begin to make progress really living.

When we are looking at others in a human way, our eye is obstructed.  Jesus said take the board out of your eye.
When we stop trying to look at others and things that we don’t like, and instead look at God, then we can see as we should

Romans 8:28
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good(BD) of those who love him
Ok god if I love you more, the painful things will go away
Instead of
I trust you god.  I am going to stop resisting this thing, & see the good in it.
That is when we begin to wake up.  Circumstances don’t change.  We chg

The sermon is straight talk about life and death
Lets talk about the death part for a moment
I witness so many fine Christian people who are terrified of death
Why should we be?

Death is a natural part of life.
Last time I looked every one of us was going to die.
So why are we surprised when it comes to those we love?
Everyone else can die but not my family?

When we learn how to live, we learn how to die.
Great people show us, not just how to live, but also how to face death
They don’t just talk about trusting god, they trust God
This is then how we come to know how to die
When our hope is finally no longer in things, but in god

Spirituality is not attained by adding more things to our life
It is largely found by removing the things that should not be there
When we stop loving that which should not be exalted,
When we let god have his rightful place, then the result is peace.
When we put no other gods before him

There were many people that Jesus could not help.
The same rain falls on all, in some it produces thorns, in others, flowers
You will decide if your life is filled with joy or worry.

you must seek this awareness.  No one else can do it for you. 
Either you will pursue it, or you will not have it.

“Every man dies, not every man really lives.” – Wm Wallace in Braveheart

May God bless you and fill you on this journey w/the things that truly matter May you be filled with the life that truly is life.

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