Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spiritual Practices - contemplation Psalm 143 9/23/2012

Sermon 9-23-12 contemplation – spiritual practices –psalm 143
1 O Lord, hear my prayer,(A) listen to my cry for mercy;(B)
in your faithfulness(C) and righteousness(D) come to my relief.
2 Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous(E) before you.3 The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground;he makes me dwell in darkness(F) like those long dead.(G)
4 So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed.(H)5 I remember(I) the days of long ago; I meditate(J) on all your works and consider what your hands have done. 6 I spread out my hands(K) to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Selah7 Answer me quickly,(L) O Lord; my spirit fails.(M) Do not hide your face(N) from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit.
8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,(O) for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way(P) I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.(Q)
9 Rescue me(R) from my enemies,(S) O Lord, for I hide myself in you.
10 Teach me(T) to do your will, for you are my God;(U)
may your good Spirit lead(V) me on level ground.(W)11 For your name’s sake,(X) O Lord, preserve my life;(Y) in your righteousness,(Z) bring me out of trouble.12 In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;(AA) destroy all my foes,(AB)
What is the psalmist doing?
          Thinking about, praying to, contemplating, Getting lost in God

a: concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion
b: a state of mystical awareness of God's being
: an act of considering with attention : study
: the act of regarding steadily

The point of contemplation is to clear the mind of distractions, to create a space in our soul, so we can hear God.

Recognize we are distracted
Identify the ways we contribute to the busy-ness
Agree there is a better way

Begin to turn off the noise
          Spiritual Practices which can help:
Giving your time to God

Solitude- silence-listening to music
It isn’t easy, but it is needful

Four monks decided to go into silence for a month. They started out well enough, but after the first day, one monk said, “I wonder if I locked the door of my cell at the monastery before we set out.”
Another monk said, “You fool! We decided to keep silence for a month, and now you have gone and broken it!”
A third monk said, “What about you? You have broken it too!”
Said the fourth, “Thank God, I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken yet!”

There is no solitude without silence.
The blessing of music
My walk with Christian music

Fernando Ortega.  Lora story.  Sanctus real.  Casting crowns.

Submission/find a mentor/accountability
Never trust a shepherd who isn’t someone else’s sheep
Spiritual director.  Counselor.  Coach.  Boss.  Pastor friends.  Friends. Wife.

Many places onour property for contemplation.
Chapel, sanctuary, benches on trails. Pavilion. Gardens.

Walking the stations of the cross
Remembering the suffering of Jesus
Jesus in the garden.  Before pilate.  Jesus flogged.  Crucified.
Sit and pray with me for a while?

Walking the labyrinth
7 circuits
Gabage in, peace out

maze refers to a complex branching puzzle with choices of path and direction; a labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center. A labyrinth in this sense has an unambiguous route to the center and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate.

Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus quiets the mind.

Fasting/self denial/simplicity
Not to lose weight
To direct a persons thoughts towards God The pangs of hunger remind one to pray The role of self denial in the life of a chirstian Living in perspective.  Simplicity.
When God is forced out of  his rightful place in our lives, things begin to fill our hearts and take over our living.

The point of contemplation is to clear the mind of distractions, to create a space in our soul, so we can hear God.

Without the distractions we can hear from God
          Who is God
          What is He about
          Who are we
          What should I be about

There is a story about a man who runs out to meet a monk who is passing by the village. ‘Give me the stone,’ he cries, ‘the precious stone.’
The monk says, ‘What stone are you talking about?’
The man says, ‘Last night God appeared to me in a dream and said, “A monk will be passing by the village at noon tomorrow, and if he gives you a rock that he is carrying with him, you will be the richest man in the country.” So give me the stone!’
The monk reached into his sack and took out a diamond; the biggest diamond in the world, the size of a human head! And he said, ‘Is this the stone you want? I found it in the forest. Take it.’ The man seized the stone and went running home. But he couldn’t sleep that night. Very early the next morning he went to where the monk was sleeping under a tree, woke him up, and said, ‘Here’s your diamond back. I want the kind of wealth that enables you to throw wealth away.’

Alli’s encounter in Chicago

Passing knowledge or falling into, being lost in God
Meet my wife
Fall in love with my wife
One flower
The garden picture

The point of contemplation is to clear the mind of distractions, to create a space in our soul, so we can hear God.
And when we hear from God, life is richer, fuller, more meaningful, exciting, and significant.  That's worth thinking about.  That’s worth contemplating

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