Friday, November 4, 2011

All Saints Day Hebrews 12:1-3 Oct 23, 2011

Sermon Oct 23rd Hebrews 12:1-3 n
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

All saints day
Where did it come from- all hallows eve
How we celebrate it - Song – find us faithful

How are you doing with the race of life
7th grade math- mr willins……everyone did well. There was one F I wont mention his name, just his initials…..jeff brinkman
What grade would you give yourself?

The race of life. Living with or without god
Living with god at the center or with self at the center

Lay aside sin….every weight
Like a robe on a runner
Weight- any inordinate love of a person or thing

Run with patience- there is much to see, much to encounter
Run with perseverance- the race is long
Raise a child, hold a job
Stay the course
Speed less important than endurance
Eccl 9 – the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong

Saints are not the holy, but the dependable, those who persevere
Not the perfect, but the one who seeks to be better than he is
There is something about such people

Saints provide roots
The tree in Lebanon
The role of significant adults in the lives of a child
Roots do not exist of their own accord- they give life to the tree
Roots sustain you

The saints before us. They have lived and they have died
Some good, some bad
I celebrate my parents
You can learn something from everyone
Others made it….they bear witness
To the power and triumph of faith
They did it, so can we

If their testimony is not enough, we have jesus
Blazed the trail was opposed, hated, persecuted
He despised the railings, he gave them no attention
Jesus motivation was the joy in living… the joy in doing the work of God

All saints day is ultimately a time to consider and give thanks for the investments of others, and to consider the investments that we are making.

The cloud of witnesses influence us
Are we allowing ourselves to be a positive influence
What are we giving our voices to?
Nothing greater than to be used by god to effect positive change
We begin to do this when we see the value of a person

The people that shaped us, see us. Value us. Illustration from Glenda A below

Glenda Accardo shared with me a story that she remembered from the upper room 2005 - In Africa, instead of using "hello" as a greeting, they say to each other, "I see you". It means to see all who came before you, shaped you, influenced your life and formed your thinking, is evident to me this moment when we met.

Over the last several years, I have spent significant time in Africa. There, identity with family, group, culture, or heritage comes before individual identity. There, when a friend greets me by saying"I see you," that "I" means the speaker as a member of a family, culture, and tribe sees me and my family, my tribe, and even my ancestors. I look in your eyes ad see your mother's care, your grandfather's teaching. I see that God has been at work in many ways, through many people and over time, preparing us to greet each other

How does god see people? Respond to people? When we remind ourselves to look at others in this broader way, we can respond to them the way Jesus did.

Who are those who have influenced you
Lets talke a moment to name them. To thank god for them.
And to commit to pursue

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