Friday, June 11, 2010

Star Date 2012 Proverb 3:3-8 11-15-09

Star Date 2012 Proverb 3:3-8 11-15-09

3Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind then around your neck, write them on the tablet of our heart.
4Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6in all your way acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
8This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your cones.

Series - start dates...reasons to be thankful
22 AD
2012 this is a sermon about trust and fear

Dec 21, 2019 at 11:11 am, the world will end
Maya's "Long Count" calendar marks the end of a 5, 126 year era.
Here is some information about it:
extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the (Equator of the Milky Way) and the (path of the Sun).

some believers that the data may mark the end of civilization or perhaps the beginning of a time of great tribulation. It is also getting increasingly poplar to refer to the astronomical event as "galactic alignment" some Nostradamus connection

Are you excited? Fearful? Worried?
show the video clip
sky is falling

illustrated n movies: 2010 Armageddon, the Post Man, Independence Day, The Day After, Left Behind movies

trust, fear and rejection
these kinds of movies and doctrines play on our fears
some in the church have played on our fears

In our lives we have a dance going on between trust and fear
What fear?

  • Fear that we will be left out,
  • that we will not make it to heaven
  • that we don't know the secret info
  • fear that we are not good enough

Instead of trust, many Christians are awash in worry and fear

Why are we interested in this end of time stuff?

  1. We are afraid that we will live and die and that seems meaningless
  2. Maybe we see the Christ life as an eternity thing not a today thing
  3. someone, some church has put the fear of God into us

If this is not your experience, the smile and enjoy my dysfunction

If this is your experience, then I hope today to set you free

I received a good dose of fear from the church

  • youth group visited by men with guns
  • sermons that told me I was going to hell
  • they had us passion out tracts in the SF Golden Gate Park, on Fisherman's Wharf
  • Studying the 2nd coming charts in college

Ahh, second coming charts

So much of this is built on nothing...some of what I am going to tell you may be new.

Hapax-building a doctrine on something that has one point of reference

  • rapture
  • 2nd coming charts

who said that this random arrangement of a few scriptures should take up so must of our time and cause us so much fear?

Is the Bible a magic book with secret bible codes - if we just learn them then we will have the power? or a book that God gives us to learn to trust him through faith in Christ.

Rapture-Suppose to be a hope, but the people that I know that talk about it all the time are living in fear

  • Am I good enough
  • Will I make it

Beside being hapaz, I want to tell you something else about this doctrine

Doctrine arouse in the 1830's [two green poles]

Darby and Scofield

Arose in American

Almost absent in orthodox faith, they are not intruded by this

Getting dates, making charts and worrying about the second coming is just wrong...

dates people set that are wrong

Sept 12, 1997 - Y2K - the 90's and the 00's are riddles with dates set by one group or another - May 21, 2011, Dec. 21, 2012

in systems like this, normal people yearn for peace. Some take in the teaching on Sunday but the rest of the week try to forget it and live a normal life

here is my question...would you rather learn about the end of the world or how to live life and trust God here and now

we don't have to worry about nay of this
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The gifts of the Christian like is a daily walk of joy
We don't have to worry about 2010 or tomorrow

you can choose how you will live
worried or trusting
a life of trust - celebrating the good
enjoying the simple things
living in the now
recognizing the gifts that God has given us here and now

Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding...
If will bring health to the body and marrow of the bones.
I am thankful today that we can live a life of trust

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