Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Gifts and Calling of God are Without Repentance Romans

The Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance Romans 11:29

Annual Conference
Covenant of ministers
Gal at Annual Conference who retired - Chrystal Wicks

The concept of the covenant
Greater and lesser powers
Offer to all through Jesus Christ
You are a member of the covenant

What are you offered through the covenant?
What are we called to do?
You may not feel that you are doing a very good job representing God
You are still called

When we think it is over, God is still working

What are we called to do?
[my dogs bigger at annual conference]
I don't care about hoe many are in worship
I don't care how many softball teams we have
I don't care how big this group or that group is
I want to know that the message is getting thru
I want to know that we are hearing his voice
I want to know that the blind are finding sight
The lost are finding their way
That husbands and wives are treating each other with love
I want to know that Christ is alive in your heart.

It is time for us to move forward, it is time for us to solve problems
What is God calling you to do
We need some to paint/landscape/start new programs
Help with the youth

The gifts and calling of God are without repentance
God never gives up
He keeps knocking, asking, seeking
Hear his voice, answer the call, be the one.

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