Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who Is Jesus - Part 4 John20:19-21 9-28-08

Who Is Jesus, Part 4 - Jesus Gives the Holy Spirit John20:19-21 09-28-08

The disciples were afraid
We have been afraid - Scott had a tumor in his abdomen
I feel like I am an empty shell
We may be afraid now

Wouldn't it be nice if someone could walk into the room and make it all ok
We are hoping in all the wrong things
Wouldn't it be nice if someone could walk into the room and make it all ok
Jesus appears, he brings peace

Peace be with you. He says it twice
Sometimes, you have to keep telling yourself the truth

Receive the Holy Spirit
If I leave the comforter will come

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 26But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom that Father will send in my name, will teach and will remind your of everything I have said to you.

The gift of a leader is the sense of trusting that they bring.....
Everything is ok

Result of peace is the possibility of real change
Things change
We hate it when change is forced
There comes a time when the time is right for change
Forest Gump running....and he stops
Welcomed changed becomes real change

When the time is right i can leave my comfort zone for the sake of Christ

Spiritually = a growth process --- And it always involves movement....
Because when we are listening, we are open, and when we are open,
we respond, we change

We are sent, we can go
Holy spirit gives us a Willingness to enter the desert

Going out among them
Wilderness--Neutral zone
Great moments come when we get out of the room, and leave our comfort zome
The disciples went to every corner of the of the ten known world.

Holy Spirit gives us a Willingness to enter the valleys - life isn't always happy and beautiful
Transitioning change --- Mountain tip to the valley
Recovering from difficulty

Depression, before I was enlightened, I was depressed. Now since enlightenment, I only experience depression

Lo I am with you always

You cannot rely on your emotion
Marriage and divorce...I was worried every time we would have a fight

our emotions cannot be trusted....

We stand on a solid rock

John Wesley on his death bed...Gos is with us

How can everything be ok?
What if the economy really tanks
We will open a soup kitchen at the church...life will go on
We will learn to trust in God in ways that maybe we haven't yet
In dark times people must decide if they will choose to cower in fear or to light the candle of hope

People are nervous, people are afraid, people are waiting
If that is you, then today, Jesus walks in the door and speaks peace

If you are ok, we have an opportunity-
When people are afraid, they give up on their idols...
I missed it after 9-11
Now is a time for us to remember that we are the voice of the father
Peace, peace be unto you
You can be His voice....people are waiting
Peace. Peace. Peace. We are not alone. God is with us. Everything is ok.

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