Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who Is Jesus - Jesus Washes Feet John13:1-17 09-21-08

Who Is Jesus - Jesus Washes Feet John13:1-17 09-21-08

Who is Jesus - one who washes feet - a servant leader
Jesus models for us the gift of humility

Jesus sets the example but it is a biblical there.

Micah:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

The scripture always lift up humility over pride
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins found in Proverb6Pride was the down fall of so many, Pharoah, Samson, Ahab

Humility is the mark of great leaders and successful Christians
Paul said

  • I am the least of the apostles. 1Corinthians15:9

  • I am the very least of all the saints. Ephesians3:8

  • I am the foremost of simmers. 1Timohy1:15

What is humility?
Humility is not just gentleness or meekness.
It demands vulnerability, the willingness to be hurt.
It is readiness to go unnoticed, to be last, to receive the least.
don't let your left hand know what you right hand is doing
don't draw attention to yourself
It is central to the spiritual life
It is the was of Christ
For some of us the path to humility goes through humiliation -being brought low unable to function, striped of pretenses and defenses, feeling fraudulent, empty, useless -- that allows us to re-grow a life that is real

Humility not just as an aversion to pride, but humility is being teachable...open, willing to grow.

John12:24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Andrew Murray, dutch missionary to South Africa 1828-1017 Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is for me to have not trouble; never to be fretted or vexed or irritated or sore or disappointed. It is to expend nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in the Lord where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace as in a deep sea of calmness when all around is trouble.

Humility is knowing that I am nothing with out God, but in him, and only in him, i am all that I need to be

Why is this important? - we don't get it

did you hear about the minister who said he had a wonderful sermon on humility but was waiting for a large crowd before preaching it?

Sportscaster and former baseball great Ralph Kiner tells the following story: After the 1952 season in which I hit 37 home runs, I asked Pittsburgh Pirate general manager Branch Rickey for a raise. he refused. "I led the league in homers," I reminded him. "Where did we finish?" Rickey asked me. "Last," I replied. "Well," Rickey said, "We can finish last without you." The next year Ralph Kiner was playing for the cubs.

Disciplies request for greatness
Luke22 - has this taking place on the same night....
24Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25Jesus said to them, "The kings of th Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exersize authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26ut you are not to be liked that. Istead, the greatest amoung yu should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is itnot the one who is at the table? But am among you as one who serves.

It doesn't come naturally to us, but it is the way of life. God's way. Without it, we are in our flesh

15Jesus said, I have set you an example that you should so as I have done for you.I

What are examples of humility-

Bookers T. Washington, the remowned black educator, was an outstanding example of humility. Shortly after he took over the presidency of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he was walking in an exclusive section of town when he was stopped by a wealthy while women. Not knowing the famous Mr. Washington by sight, she asked if he would like to earn a few dollars by chopping wood for her. Because he had not pressing business at the moment, Professor Washington smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and proceeded to do the humble chore she had requested. when he was finished, he carried the logs into the house and stacked them by the fireplace. A little girl recognized ham and later revealed his identity to the lady.

The next morning the embarrassed woman went to see Mr. Washington in his office at the Institute and apologized profusely, "It's perfectly all right, Madam," he replied. "Occasionally I enjoy a little manual labor. Besides, it's always a delight to do something for a friend." She shook his hand warmly and assured him that his meek and gracious attitude had endeared him and his work to her heart. No long afterward she showed her admiration by persuading some wealthy acquaintances to join her in donating thousands of dollars to the Tuskegee Institute.

Sen. John Stennis had been shot...arriving home after a long day at the senate. Two people came out came out of the darkness, robbed him, and shot him twice. News of the shooting shocked Washington and the nation. For nearly seven hours, Senator Stennis was on the operating table at Walter Reed Hospital. another politician was driving home when he heard about the shooting. He turned his car around and drove directly to the hospital.

In the hospital, he noticed that the staff was swamped and could not keep up with the incoming calls about the Senator's condition. He spotted an unattended switchboard, sat down, and voluntarily went to work. He continued taking calls until daylight. Sometime during the next day, he stood up, stretched, put on his overcoat, and just befor leaving he introduced himself quietly to the other operator, "I'm Mark Hatfield, happy to help out." Then Senator Mark Hatfield unobtrusively walked out. The press could hardly handle that story. There seemed to be no way for a Republican to give a Democrat a tip of the hat, let alone spend hours doing a menial task and be "happy to help out."
I hope that you are being nice during election season.

You are washing feet every time you

Making sack lunches for the poor
Making room ffor others in worship
Parking father away so that new folks can park close
Anonymous person and the fellowship hall

We are blessed is we act in this way - a humble heart is its own reward
Unless I wash you, you have no part of me
Your life can't be about Christ if your life is about you

We hare humility because we have a need to prove we are great.
We have a need to tell others that we are great
We cannot trust Jesus if we are still trusting ourselves

Jesus invited us into a life filled with meaning, by asking us to give up on your own way and bow the knee to him. Who are you trusting today? Whoses feet will you wash?

Today is the connecting fair in the gym...I invite you to drop by and visit with an open heart and find a place to serve

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