Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jesus and You, Hebrews 12:1-3, 5/25/14

Sermon 5-25-14 memorial day Hebrews 12:1-3   (NIV)z
12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Tomorrow is memorial day
What do I want to tell you

It was started after the civil war
Memorial Day began after the Civil War to commemorate those lost in wartime. Deadliest war in us history over 625,000 deaths
More than ww1 and ww2 korea and Vietnam combined
In modern days, it has become a day to remember all loved ones.

Grandpa in the army - Dad was in the navy
I had to register for the draft.  Used to watch it on tv.  Mine was the first year they stopped drawing
like to honor those who served…….pls stand and remain standing
Army, navy, marines, air force, coast guard
Thank you to everyone who served……….

Memorial day a time for Christians to remember, to take stock

to ask - How will we be remembered
Walking the ground at Mt Washington
Redwood forest  [need pics of cemetery and redwoods]

In the early part of this century, a novelist researching a book about life in a certain New England town visited the local cemetery as part of his investigations. The writer noted with interest that nearly every tombstone from that era bore a final epitaph. Unfailingly, these were words of praise for the departed with references such as kind, generous, upstanding, loving and faithful appearing again and again.
This prompted the researcher to ask, I wonder where they buried the sinners?

 Epitaph Examples
A Friend In Deed - A Loving father - A Woman Of Grace And Dignity - Always A Gentleman - Forever In Our Hearts - Forever Missed - Gone But Never Forgotten

These people are The cloud of witnesses
That is a weird thought………..they can still see us?
The three tiered universe of Paul
Vs other dimension [appear in disciples room]

Memorial day
People that boats get them out.  Pools open
We get our summer toys out
Everything you own, owns a little bit of you
Best day of my life was when I bought a boat- 2nd  best day- when I sold it
We all own things htat are supposed to help us rest, but they exhaust us
Nice houses that we are barely ever in

This year, I am thinking about rest.  Stop.  Take it easy.
Its busy around here
Probably in your life too
We all run so hard

Let us run the race with perseverance
Tulsa run 5k
I finished, but I could not walk for days
We run hard.  We work hard.  We play hard.
People are exhausted from living the American life.

One thing that I notice when I run too hard.
I forget who I am
I lose touch with what is important
Pulling weeds

Its important to run
There is a race!
There is a vision!
We must pursue our mission
True, but Its also important to rest

Rest in God
The nature of prayer
Sitting on the couch with my wife
Out to dinner- nothing is being said

God loves rest
Mt 11:28 come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest
Mk 6 because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Genesis 1 – on the 7th day God rested….

Tomorrow I hope to sit on a porch, in the shade, watching ripples on a pond
Feeling the breeze and just relaxing.

If the cloud of witnesses is watching
I think they would tell us to slow down and rest more
To enjoy it
To smell the flowers
To see the good.

American culture tells us that everything can be bought. Can be stabilized.
Everything is permanent
But nothing in this world is permanent. We all fade like the flower

Once we accept the transitoryness of everything in life,
be can simply relax and enjoy the day
When we come to understand that nothing of this world is trustworthy,
we can start to trust God
its memorial day…….How will you be remembered
Are you prepared for death?
I hope that you will die in full assurance of faith, believing in a god of love and trusting in jesus
death is called Going home- should feel like going home.
Meeting alli at the airport……….
Home is a good feeling.  It should be at least
Spending time with a friend
What a friend we have in Jesus

memorial day: A time to remember - A time to take stock
A time to rest.  Take it easy.  Rejuvenate
A time to re aim your direction
Because Tuesday, the race awaits us again.

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