Monday, February 24, 2014

The Parable of the Two Sons, Matthew 21:28-32, 02/23/14

Sermon9 2-23-14  the parable of the two sons  Mt 21:28-32

2“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ 29 “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. 30 “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go. 31 “Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

Intro……families are fun….!!

Ha ha

I could tell some stories on my kids but this is a painful topic

So I will tell one on myself

Dad is building a brick patio when I was 13.  Left me an 8 foot section to do

I hated it. 

Guilt laden nature of the way the church has used this story

Go do it. 

This is Backwards.

We hear this story and apply it to us.  Fine

But this is another story of Jesus vs. the Pharisees.

The Pharisees were the ones that put the guilt on people

Guilt is a bad motivator.

Jesus never did it

Who do you know that was truly converted by you arguing with them?

Jesus is pointing out that the guilt laden ones don’t get it

They talk a big talk, but they are not doing it

What is it?

Acting religious?

Not allowing others to see your brokenness?

Going door to door

Scaring people

Is that what we are expected to do?

No what Jesus wants us to do is to love.  Love God, love each other.

He wants us to live a life of love

Some talk a good religious talk but don’t live a life of love

Others don’t talk the religious talk, even say no to god, but when they think about it

Some great things here

How about the about the amazingly patient nature of God. 

Even though the son says no, God knows his heart and waits for the good to come out.

How many times have you tried to teach a child or someone something?

You just stay with it.  You may get exasperated, but you stay with it.

This is the nature of influence

The gift of using your sphere of influence for good

This is leadership

Leadership in the church

o   Not in charge of a thing

o   It is the voice that has plunged in and learned about a thing

o   And now is behind it

o   And uses their voice, their effort to help others understand

We need to keep working on that in which we believe

God keeps working on us

Even though the son says no, God knows his heart and waits for the good to come out.

Train up a child in the way he should go……… someday, it will come around.  They may say no for a long time, but eventually, they come around.

Here is something else that I find to be amazing
when we were young we were told to be good

God is watching.  Santa is watching

Children are to be seen and not heard

You won’t get to heaven if you are not good

My mom’s favorite book to read to us was “bad mousy”

In this parable Jesus is indicating that the one that say no are the ones who get it

The ones who are not perfect are the ones who get it

We are those who say no.  We fuss & argue w God.  We r selfish.  Broken

God doesn’t care.  He just keeps at it.  keeps after us.  He stays with us, he believes in us.  He pursues us. And finally we come thru. 

Predisposed in the mind of god, is not a “you better be perfect”

Predisposed in the mind of God is a “I know you’re not perfect, and it’s ok”

One more thing that I love about this parable

There is also an interesting comparison here between two kinds of people.

One is a good hearted person who fights thru selfishness to rise to the occasion and do the right thing.

The other is a poser.  A brown noser.  Someone who tells you what you want to hear and then goes to do whatever they want.

This is a great illustration here of the nature of spirituality.

You can believe in God but not be spiritual.

You can have the Christian doctrine down, but not be spiritual

·        The Pharisee and the publican

·        The priest and Levite vs the good Samaritan

Someone once said that spirituality is waking up

It’s more than to believe in a thing [need more here]

It is to wake up and see the glory of life.  The glory and joy and wonder

And when we see the joy and wonder we see that it is the glory and wonder of god

He is no longer a big mean old guy who is mad about things

He is wonderful and I see the greatness of him and my need for him

The father is inviting the sons to help with the work

It’s not bad work.  It’s a good thing

One can’t see it.  He can only see himself

The other finally sees the good that the father wants him to be about

The nature of a good story

Has a start a middle and an end

We hate bad endings and we love good endings

What is the story of your life?  How is it going?

How did it start.  How is the middle? How will it end?

So, lets wrap it up.

God knows that you are broken.

No secrets with God.  And its ok.

Maybe you have said no in the past.

But the father is simply inviting you into living the life that Jesus taught

He is inviting you to live a life of love

Don’t let your past keep you from your future

Its never too late to say yes to God


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