Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013 - A Different Road, Matthew 2, 12/24/13

Christmas Eve 2013  A Different Road -  by another route


Christmas Eve.  The crowning moment of the Christian tradition.

I want to talk with you for a few moments tonight about love and grace.

As long as people are nervous about the church

As long as people still wonder if God loves them

As long as people hurry thru Christmas and are glad that it is over

          And breath a sigh of relief

There is still a deficit, a shortage of love

There is still a dearth, a want of grace

There must be another path, another way to live.


In Matthew 2 we find the story of the wise men

Came from the east to Jerusalem asking, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”


When King Herod heard this he was disturbed,

He called the wise men secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”


After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.


This month our church has been talking about Christmas

Some of our topics were

Jesus is different than Santa.   – hes not magic – but knowing him can be miraculous
Christmas is not perfect.  You don’t have to be perfect.  messy is ok
Gods love is amazing.  – the central message of Christmas is gods love
Jesus has a wish list. – every body gets gifts but jesus

His list- love God and love others, be Christ’s hands and feet

And now we come to Christmas. 

The story that changes everything that went before. 

The story that could change everything for us.


warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.


Isaiah the prophet wrote

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.

We are all walking

We are all on a journey

When we encounter Christ, our direction changes

The wisemen went home a different way

The shepherds left glorifying and praising god

The angels probably are still talking about making the all district choir

No one leaves this story quite the same as when they found it


Robert Frost wrote

I took the road less travelled and to me it has made all the difference


Christmas is not about us. 

It is something that we enjoy but it is not just something that we enjoy

It is not just something that we consume

There is more


The birth of Jesus is the greatest story every told

It is the greatest love story every told

God so loved the world

The story should change us


What does change mean?

How are we changed by the story


Do you believe?

·        Yes I believe

·        Yes I know the formula


Do you love him

·        Yes I know the feeling

·        Yes I feel the love

·        My heart has been strangely warmed


Many people have the beliefs down and the

I am supposed  to love god down,

But their lives are still filled with fear and worry


In the old days

The story changed you by guilt

It’s how I was raised

Guilt is no one’s friend

Jesus did not exercise guilt


Some spend their lives trying to earn a love that we can never earn

We cant earn it because God offers his love freely

The message of Christmas should smash once for all the question of whether or not God loves us

He gave his son


Will we try to live by the rules or finding a life of grace

Each of us must choose – this video makes the question clear


Show video                                                                                     video


Each of us must choose

Transformation is not about being perfect

It is not about who is right

Its about the holy spirit at work in your heart

Bob tuttle – commenting on the way Christians disagree

when the holy spirit comes in he does not take sides, he takes over

imagine so much of God in you that we are no longer fighting, just filled with awe

In the old days the story was supposed to change you by guilt

I chased others w guilt

Our youth group was sent out into golden gate park in san Francisco to tell people that they were going to hell if they didn’t accept Jesus


Our success rate was predictable

Today I reject this method of reaching people

It doesn’t work

And jesus did not use this method

Jesus chased no one to come back to him

They were allowed to listen and follow of their own accord without condemnation

In Jn 4 jesus meets a woman by a well who has been married 5 times

He doesn’t condemn the woman                                                   picture

She also wants to argue about the right place to worship

Jesus does not bite

he didn’t argue with the woman about the right way to worship

he simply talked about the rivers of living water that pour through a persons soul when they choose to trust in him

The disciples were not guilted into following him

They came of their own accord

They were changed by love

Changed by love

By love compelled.

Its an interesting thought.  A compelling thought

Have you ever met someone that was so good that you wanted to be like them

So kind that you wanted to become more kind

So generous that you wanted to become more generous?

I can talk w my kids til they are blue in the face

I can try to force an idea on them.  it just doesn’t work

Image what happens though if my kids ever see me so loving so kind that they say, wow.  That is how I want to live my life.

The story of God’s love

It still changes lives

It is the soul of god at work in the heart of man


Every year around Christmas I get pictures like these

Pic of the virgin mary                                                                     picture

The stories of the virgin mary being stolen

They have a lot of fun with me

Picture of don canfields front yard                                                         picture

the movie, As If It Were Yesterday,

is about the Belgian Christians who sheltered 4000 Jewish children during World War II to save them from Nazi death camps, a 6-year-old Jewish boy was plac10321ed with a Christian family. After a time, they said they could no longer keep the boy. They said, "He's a thief."

Those making the placements were distressed and one went to visit the family.

"How can a 6-year-old boy be a thief? That's impossible ...."

"Yes, he's a thief. Our little girl got a manger for Christmas, with the little Jesus and the rest, whatever there is. And hestole the little Jesus. Our daughter is very upset. She won't eat."

So the placement worker took him aside. "Listen, you know that the Nazis want to kill us all. And here you are with good people trying to save you from death. Why did you steal?"

"Sir, I didn't steal."    "I have taken Jesus to hide him."

"What do you mean?"

"I know little Jesus is a Jew. The Germans could take him. So I hid him to save him."


Why have you taken in jesus?  Have you chosen him?

Yes?  But Why?

Those that have chosen him for traditions sake – that always feels hollow

Those who choose him out of duty or guilt- that ultimately feels heavy

God wants to be loved

We are invited to respond to his love

To feel his love.  To be motivated, infiltrated, gripped by his love

Have you taken in Jesus?

There is so much fear in the world.  We still have not heard the message.

During the construction of the golden gate bridge

Many workers fell to their deaths – the pace of work ground to a crawl.

[if I was out on the bridge I would be moving at a crawl]

After much discussion, the construction company installed a giant net

The pace of work picked up.

Workers still fell, but they were caught.  They were saved.

Christmas is god’s invitation to us to learn to live without fear.

Jesus is the net.  We can be saved.  We can be freed to live without fear.

We can find a different way to live

After hearing the story we can go home by a different route.

Christmas is the ultimate story of love

And It is still changing lives

God so loved the world

the soul of god is still looking to work in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls

the love of Christ is the light that lightens the world

He is the light that still shines in the darkness

Beckoning all who wish to know this love to come

To receive him and join him in this life of love

If you have never experienced true, guilt free love

I invite you as the light of the candle comes to you

To welcome into your heart, the forgiving love of God thru Jesus chirst

In this dark world there is a  message of hope

We are the bearers of that light.


Pls stand to receive the light of Christ.


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