Monday, October 14, 2013

The Real Life, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, 10/13/2013

Sermon              10-13-13   1 tim 6:17-19      real life
17 Command those who are rich(AM) in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,(AN) which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,(AO) who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.(AP) 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,(AQ) and to be generous and willing to share.(AR) 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves(AS) as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of(AT) the life that is truly life.

New sermon series.  THE REAL THING-  the real life, the real church, the real you

Paul is addressing what has become a common problem in his age
They used to worship idols………now they believe in one god
Christians understand that idols are only stone things of worship
But now they have resorted to another idol . the love of money

This life leads to bondage and fear.  Fear that I will never have enough.
How odd is it that Americans who are 4.6% of the world’s population have 25% of the worlds wealth.  And we still feel like we don’t have enough.
Does that bother you?
We have so much yet we are so worried that we don’t have enough.

For the past forty years Eunice Pike has worked with the Mazatec Indians in south-western Mexico. During this time she has discovered some interesting things about these beautiful people. For instance, the people seldom wish someone well. Not only that, they are hesitant to teach one another or to share the gospel with each other. If asked, "Who taught you to bake bread?" the village baker answers, "I just know," meaning he has acquired the knowledge without anyone's help. Eunice says this odd behavior stems from the Indian's concept of "limited good." They believe there is only so much good, so much knowledge, so much love to go around. To teach another means you might drain yourself of knowledge. To love a second child means you have to love the first child less. To wish someone well--"Have a good day"--means you have just given away some of your own happiness, which cannot be reacquired.

We all know the philosophy of scarcity
All of us have rushed out to buy something that we just had to have and later wished that we had not. 
Ever looked at a credit card bill and not be able to remember what you bought that was so important at the time?

Jesus talked a lot about money
its dangerous.  It is an idol.  We think that it is what life is about
consequently its dangerous
There is another way- he taught generosity and sacrifice
Sacrifice…….Everytime we have some push for a project and we ask people to make a sacrificial gift, I always hear from some that don’t want to sacrifice.
Friends.  Sacrifice is central to Christianity. 
What did Jesus do?
Finding the real joy in life requires that we get our mind around generosity and sacrifice
To live a generous life is to find the life that is truly life

The happiest people we know are living a generous life
A man buys donuts for the kids
someone finished the f hall ceiling

A Woman – For almost a year, anonymously helping a young boy who had graduated out of foster care, providing gift cards to grocery stores, toiletries, supplies to go to college, and notes of encouragement each month.  He wrote her a note thanking her, saying she was his angel helping him through a very difficult time in his life.

It is difficult times.  I have almost given up watching the news.
It is so depressing.
I have taken up sports center instead.
Did you see Beltrans throw to the plate on Friday night?

A man in our church – prepares & serves the meal once a month at Westport for 60 people, sometimes all by himself.  Scott has befriended all of the staff there, most of whom are former alcoholics or recovered drug addicts.  Several of the staff are still struggling with dependency issues.  Scott has taken them to concerts, hangs out with them, is just generally a friend to them and they think he is great.
3 years ago a man approached the Missions Desk on a Sunday morning asking if he could donate his competition barbeque meat to Westport.  He spent weeks planning every detail of how he would wrap and refrigerate the meat so that it would be fresh for the meal at Westport.  He decided to go help serve the meal.  He was hooked.  He went to Westport every month and donated his barbeque frequently.  When he had surgery for cancer, another family from the Westport ministry team was at the hospital with his wife.  With his poor health, He still goes to Westport each month, and now purchases lasagna for the meals since he is unable to barbeque.
Generous kids – so important to learn generosity at a young age.  Our children in Sunday school are hearing this month about the families in Nicaragua and their lack of food.  Eastin prepared collection boxes for the children to collect money for the village.  Nick Harris collected items for Los Pinos for his birthday party, Nate collected cereal for Hillcrest for his birthday.  Nate shared his school lunch on Friday with his best friend whose family struggles financially and his buddy never seems to have a full stomach.  It breaks Nate’s heart.  Reminds me of the quote by Bob Pierce, World Vision founder, “Let my heart be broken with the things that break God’s heart.”
-          A member tells the story of their grandma, a loving person in a small community where she’s lived her whole life.  She was always the first one to bring a meal to a family going through a difficult time, she was the first one to call and offer a kind word.  She hasn’t done anything big or grand, but she has simply been nice to everyone her whole life.  She would never say anything unkind about anyone.  She moved into the nursing home this summer, and the staff said they’ve never had a resident with so much company.  One Sunday the entire community room was filled with her visitors, as there were over 30 people there at once to see her.  Everyone loves and appreciates her, simply because she’s always gone out of her way to be kind.  That is the reward of a life well lived.

A story is told of a Christmas eve and a young boy is looking for a present for his mom 'Do you have any flowers for my mother for 10 cents?'

The man replied, 'Wait just a moment and I'll see what we can do for you.' After serving the other waiting customers, the owner turned back to the little boy and said, 'I have good news for you. On Christmas Eve, we have a special on roses for young fellows who want them for their mothers.' Taking the lad's dime, he placed a dozen beautiful, long-stemmed red roses in his arms. With a big smile on his face, the boy left the flower shop and headed home. Those of us who looked on were warmed by what we had seen, and I know the shopkeeper felt the blessing of God for his generosity

The story is told that Henry Ford was on vacation in Dublin, Ireland, when he was asked to contribute toward the building of a new orphanage. He promptly wrote a check for 2,000 pounds.

When he picked up a newspaper the next day, his generosity was in the headlines, but the paper had gotten the amount of the gift wrong — instead of 2,000, readers were told Mr. Ford had given 20,000.
The director of the orphanage apologized and offered to phone the newspaper’s editor and correct the error.

“There’s no need for that,” Ford said. “I’ll give you a check for the remaining 18,000 pounds, but only on one condition. When the new building opens, I want this inscription on it: I was a stranger, and you took me in.”

The story is told that one day a beggar by the roadside asked for alms from Alexander the Great as he passed by. The man was poor and wretched and had no claim upon the ruler, no right even to lift a solicitous hand. Yet the Emperor threw him several gold coins. A courtier was astonished at his generosity and commented, "Sir, copper coins would adequately meet a beggar's need. Why give him gold?" Alexander responded in royal fashion, "Cooper coins would suit the beggar's need, but gold coins suit Alexander's giving."

What does that say about your encounter with a homeless person on the corner of 24 highway and 435?

The  Harvard Business School  ran a study on whether money brought happiness.  16 employees at a Boston firm received bonuses ranging from $3,000 to $8,000. The results showed that the only significant predictor of the level of their happiness was not the size of their bonus but whether or not the employees had spent any of the money on others.

I interviewed a very generous person for this sermon.
They made some good points

We are Created to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves, created to care for our families and those in need, we are called to Use our resources to serve Christ and the world.  We have a life purpose that is greater than our own self-interests, and how we spend our God-given resources reflects our understanding and commitment to this life

A generous life will bring you JOY.  We find more joy in doing things for other people and for God than we ever did in doing things for ourselves.

Generosity Affects Us in several ways
o   Through it our hearts are changed. When we give to others who are in need – hearts are filled with joy. 
o   When we give generously, we become more generous.
o   Giving feeds on itself
o   We also find the blessings of God.  We don’t give so we will get, but  when we give generously, the unmistakable blessings of God flow into our lives.

At the beginning of the service we mentioned the step chart and the commitment card in your bulletin.  On a practical level this helps our budget team know that the ministries of Christ are funded for the coming year.. 

At WCC We don’t use gimmicks.  We tell our folks straight up, it takes money to run this church.  We think you want to hear that.  We have a hard-working staff that makes sure you have a place to attend worship, to have your children baptized. A place for you to be launched into mission… We are frugal, we understand that we have a fiduciary responsibility to every person here.  We also believe in full disclosure.

Your giving in the coming year will make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults in our church, as well as in the lives of people everywhere where we are in mission and ministry in the world.

The greatest example of generosity is Jesus. Philippians 2 tells us
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:(I) 6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,(J) did not consider equality with God(K) something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing(L) by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,(M) being made in human likeness.(N) 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death(O) even death on a cross!(P) 9 Therefore God exalted him(Q) to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,(R) 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,(S) in heaven and on earth and under the earth,(T) 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,(U) to the glory of God the Father.
Generosity changes us. 
We were created to be generous, and our generosity can be a great blessing in our lives. 
I pray that through your generous living, you will find that blessings flow back into your life. 
I pray that you will find that your generosity changes the world as it changes one person at a time. 

no one ever died wishing they had been less generous
many look back on their life and are filled with sorrow because so much of it was centered around them

we have a choice
If we choose for what we think is security, it falls through our fingers
But there is another way, a better way
To find the generous life is to find the joy

May you choose the life that Jesus lived.  The life that is truly life

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