Monday, October 28, 2013

The Real Church, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, 10/20/13

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written:
“They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. 14 And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. 15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!


Where are we with the series
The real thing
The real life is a generous life
The real church…….what does that place look like?
Next week…….the real you

Great day to be a visitor- give u a glimpse into the character of wcc

So the apostle paul is talking to the Corinthian church and celebrating the joy that they are experiencing because they have become a generous church.
Sowing and reaping in a way that brings joy

In a 2005 sutdy, George Barna reached the following conclusions
·        Some do not give because they are selfish……..ouch!
·        Some don’t give because they don’t realize that the church needs their gifts to be effective
·        Some don’t understand that God invites us to live outside of ourselves.
·        Some don’t see a return on the investment
In other words, Some do not give to the church because the church has not explained that their giving will make a difference in the world

Do your gifts produce significant outcomes- is your church making a difference in the world?

Part one
I asked the question of several of you, what are the characteristics in general of a healthy church?
·        people radiate grace & love
·        The people are trying to be more like Jesus, to follow his ways and live a life of love. 
·        The people are genuine, authentic.  Live congruent lives.
·        they know they are sent into the world
·        they take care of each other
·        they educate their own but are also serving the community and meeting the needs of the community
·        their building serves as a community center
·        they understand that they  are not an island to themselves but work well with other churches
·        healthy churches are not afraid of chaos, they are comfortable knowing that when the holy spirit moves, you cant always draw an org chart of that.

Part two
So, what is going on around here?  What is this place about?

It begins with what we are doing here for ourselves.  That sounds a little funny but it all points us out.
We care
Childrens Sunday school and actvites
Youth group
100 people in disciple BS
Adult ss and a myriad of classes
Sermons, choirs, bands, music, engagement
It all points us out………
It doesn’t end here, it begins here

Many of us were raised in places where learning was for learning sake.  At wcc we understand that we are blessed by god to be a blessing.  And you are living that out.

I am not simply going to provide a list of what we are doing, lets look behind the scenes

Hillcrest knows we are the church that willing to do the hard work.  They interview the residents before moving them into an apartment, as certain criteria have to be met.  Sometimes the Woods Chapel apartments get the residents that are more ‘at risk’.  Why?  Because they know we are flexible, we know that helping a former homeless person isn’t easy work, we know that it might require more effort on our end, and we are okay with that. 

One couple – served as the budget counselor to a resident 3 years ago.  She had a one year old son.  Our couple “adopted” this family, having them over for meals, bringing them to church.  today the former resident has become a resident manager in LS hillcrest and is doing very well.

Prom Boutique  provides dresses for 1,000 girls - each girl is made to feel special when they attend the boutique.  its much more than giving girls a dress, it is about someone taking the time to give each girl individual attention and a feeling of worth and love.

Our Prom Boutique has helped several other organizations start their own prom boutique.  Fern delivered 300 dresses this spring to another church in southern Missouri and gave them all of the information to start their own boutique.  She was just contacted by a woman in San Antonio, TX, last week about us helping her start a boutique there. 

Cathy’s stories of getting dresses for girls at Children’s Mercy

The Cancer Ministry and how they help, how they’ve basically ‘adopted’ the Cancer Center

How our Adoption group reaches out to families, not only providing financial grants, but helping them navigate through the difficult steps of adoption. they come alongside families and point them in the right direction.  families who have adopted so generously give their time to help other families by sharing their stories, information, and advice.

Emergency relief
our church receives well over 50 calls each month from people in our community looking for help.  Many times we are able to provide food or children’s clothing, or utility assistance.  Sometimes we cannot help with a request, but we are always able to extend God’s grace and point people to resources in our community. 

One day last week, 10 bags of groceries went out the door.

3,800 meals are prepared and served by our church at Westport each year.  our members  have formed friendships and invested themselves in the lives of those receiving the meals and also the staff at Westport.  Yes, they could just serve the meal and that would be a wonderful ministry, but our people have made it so much more.

One young man from our church  has befriended all of the staff there, most of whom are former alcoholics or recovered drug addicts.  Several of the staff are still struggling with dependency issues.  He has taken them to concerts, hangs out with them, is just generally a friend to them and they think he is great.

Sack lunch program

Katrina [new orleans], Greensburg, Joplin

New Orleans
Joplin – two teams each week.  484 volunteers
Relationships changed
And now, St Paul’s in Joplin is sending weekly teams to Moore, OK. 
We are going to Moore at the end of this month.
St Paul’s also sponsors a village in Nicaragua in the same region as ours, through the Rainbow Network. 
When we sent our container, they collected school supplies

someone wrote, I was talking to a friend at Saint Paul’s in joplin and she shared that early on in the Joplin disaster, congregants were whispering to one another “Who are these people?”  and “Where IS Woods Chapel Church?”  They even asked if WCC was Methodist She tells me that today, Saint Paul’s continues to reflect and say, “They just kept coming & coming and never left us.”  This has caused many of them to examine their hearts and ask, “Could we be ‘those people’?” 

Mozambique, Jamaica, Nicaragua [Nicaragua update meeting is ____________]
440 people in Los Pinos – who knows exactly how our partnership will impact their community in the years to come.  We know that we have been able to provide food and medical care.  We know that we will be able to help with education and micro-lending and housing, and we know that we will learn lessons from them as well, (their complete dependence on God for daily living).

48 Russian children in the Velikoretskoye Orphanage  are looking forward to a visit from the Woods Chapel team in a few weeks.  Many of these children will tell you that their favorite memory of the whole year will be the week that their American friends come to visit.  A week where they feel love and friendship.  A week where their cares can be put aside, where they can just be kids and have fun.  A week where a group of adults are telling them that they are loved and valued, and that they are children of God. 

CREW, habitat,
the group of men that work on the CREW mission, helping to do repairs at the homes of people that are having trouble making ends meet,

CVV – grace united- community garden

Clothes thru our clothes pantry [amy how many?]

Back snacks
170 kids receive BackSnacks from our church each week.  This means that a child in Blue Springs will come home on Friday to a pack of meals for the weekend 6,290 times this school year because of the BackSnacks programs at our church.  (37 weeks x 170 kids).  Stated another way:  6,290 packs of food will be delivered by our church to hungry kids in the Blue Springs school district this school year.  Each pack contains enough for 4 meals for that child = 25,160 meals.
25, 160 times this year, a child facing food scarcity will reach into
I was hungry and you fed me

Ronald McDonald house
Your story of the family from Princeton that was served a meal by WCC at Children’s Mercy


At first watch.  At the grocery store.  At the bank.

Scott and the tornado destroying the church………Brian and the fire…

Who are we here at WCC?
We are those people that let God’s light shine through us, we are the Hands and Feet of Christ. 

one member recently wrote in to me……..When we come before God, either in prayer or come before him when we get to heaven, the only thing that really matters is whether we each and collectively lived out what he wanted for us. I believe Woods chapel as a body of believers will hear "well done thou good and faithful servant." This is the only purpose that makes anything we do, worthwhile.

Take a deep breath

If you are visiting today, I simply ask you if this sounds like a place that you want to be a part of?
We welcome you!
Coming together as a group, we are able to accomplish great things for Christ.

I am so very proud of the chance I have to be a part of this place
These are some of the reasons why I love and support this place
Thank you for your support in the past, and into the future
We have so much to be thankful for

My prayer is that you will come to experience the joy that comes from knowing that your giving honors God and changes lives.


Finally, one person wrote in
the biggest reason I support my church-
Grace.  Our church is a church of grace.  Too many churches are known for what they are against- but we are a church that is known for what we are FOR.  Grace.  Grace to one another, grace to those less fortunate, grace to those who are suffering, grace to those all over this world.

We don’t ask if those we are helping deserve to be helped… we already know the answer to that question.  Of course they are- they are children of God, and just as he’s shown US grace- we will extend that grace through love, justice, and serving- to others.
Grace, alone. Period.

(and… I just happened to read all of the lyrics to Grace Alone- and I would LOVE it if we actually sang the whole song at the end of the service.  (in both venues).  (maybe NOT holding hands- that might be a long time to do that.)

Every promise we can make
Every prayer and step of faith
Every difference we can make
Is only by His grace.
Every mountain we will climb
Every ray of hope we shine
Every blessing left behind
Is only by His grace

Every soul we long to reach
Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace
Is only by His grace.
Every loving word we say
Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise
Is only by His grace.

Grace alone Which God supplies
Strength unknown He will provide
Christ in us, our cornerstone

We will go forth in grace alone.

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