Monday, April 15, 2013

Inquiring Minds - Questions about life after death Romans 8:35-39 04/14/2013

Sermon series – inquiring minds.  Questions about life death and everything in between part 2g

Romans 8:35-39  35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:
“For your sake we face death all day long;
                   we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[
j] psalm 44:22
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

From a child……..Angels
Children have a right to ask questions.  We should engage them.
But remember that they usually don’t want paragraphs.
Don’t take them to seminary, answer their questions and let them play.
Children will take cues from you on how to act in times of pain…..

From a 7 year old……
How big are angels?   Can you see angels?
Can spirits fly?   Can you see them?
Can you feel them? Can they be bad?
Can demons be scared away by the spirits?
How are demons bad?   Can we turn them good?

I am concerned for our society that our kids ask questions about demons.
When I was a child we did not ask such questions.
These thoughts have been introduced to the world by dungeons and dragons, harry potter, etc.
I want to encourage you to create a world where your children know they are loved.  Where Gods love is bigger than all of the scary things.

What is the meaning of the pictures in the stain glass windows?
Adam and Eve in the Garden - Genesis 1,2
Noah and the flood - Genesis 6
Abraham and Issac - Genesis 22
Moses before the pharaoh - Exodus 5
Rahab and the prostitute - Joshua 2
Elijah ascends to Heaven in the chariot of fire – 2 kings 2

Birth of Jesus - Luke 2
Jesus presented in the temple - Luke 2
Jesus teaching the the temple - Luke 2
Baptism of Jesus - Luke 3
Jesus-sermons on the mount - Matthew 5,6,7
Jesus on the cross - Matthew 27
Jesus resurrected-ascending - Matthew 28

Holy Spirit-the day of the Pentecost - Acts 2

What about Anointing w oil in Methodist church
Practice reserved for two situations
Old testament kings are anointed……Saul and David anointed by Samuel
New Testament to anoint the sick
I have anointed people who were sick- usually at their request. 
I have never have anointed a king.

if someone commits suicide do they go to hell?
Suicide is the most painful thing.  If you are considering it, let me reach into you.
Permanent solution to a temporary problem
The most painful moments I have ever witnessed in life were helping families after a suicide.
Do they go to hell?  Nothing in scripture would indicate this.
If you are considering this, please get help.  Please reconsider.

Is there an unforgiveable sin
Jesus mentions this in mt 12, but he is talking to the Pharisees.
Sometimes we take things in the bible that were meant for the moment and try to make them universal.
·        Women should not speak in church.
·        Slaves obey your masters.
Jesus is talking to people that have witnessed his miracles.  They have attributed them to Satan.  Long as they are stuck there, they are probably in trouble.
Hell is a place that God has created for those who willfully reject him.
The mystics say that God did this in his love.  Allows a place for them to go.
If you are worried about the unpardonable sin, your worry in and of itself is sure proof that the spirit is alive and well in your heart.

1 John 1:9 (NIV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Sibling Rivalry
How come my brother and I fight so much?  We try not too.  Like when mom just comes home from work then we tattle tell on each other. then she gets mad at us and I dont like it.  We dont fight when we play outside. We drive our mom crazy when we do this. Even when my brother pesters me and i try to ignore him we still start fighting then everybody gets in a bad mood.  How come we have to fight each other.

I love my brother too, but the fighting makes me and my mom sad. or if I am fighting it makes Isaac and my mom sad or grumpy.
We are upset by things that we let bother us.
If they make fun of us because we have green hair, we are not bothered.

“Rivalry” is natural.  It is about getting attention.  Feeling loved. 
Cain and Abel.  Jacob and Esau.  James and John (Mark 10:37).

As we grow older, we find our connections.  We are not striving to be recognized.  Rivalries move to that of someone in the office that gets the attention or the promotion.

The greatest rivals can become the greatest allies. (Britain and America)

Methodist Connections
I don't necessarily detect the presence of a UMW or UMM. Women's Ministries is not the same as UMW. Since the Discipline is pretty firm in stating that these organizations should exist, why don't they?

The discipline is less firm than it used to be.   Many shalls are now mays and we have an over riding paragraph that indicates that churches can organize in what ever way they find efficient for effective ministry.

So while we don’t have a formalized and institutionalized expression of UMW or UMM, we do uphold their mission.  To bring together men and women respectively for prayer, fellowship and service.

Not only do we achieve these aims, we do so through a permission-giving model that deemphasizes rules about committee make-up and structure while promoting and enhancing opportunities to connect people to Jesus and transform the world.

I haven't seen the complete list of missions that Woods Chapel participates in, but I haven't heard mention of Della Lamb or Spofford which are "owned" by the UMC. a. does Woods Chapel support those missions? b. if not, why?

          I don’t think that Della Lamb or spofford are owned, I believe they are in an affiliate relationship with the UMC.  Some years ago, ministries like this were removed from the must give, to may give categories.
          mission were decentralized, giving local churches the power to support agencies           and organizations they are passionate about that align with their mission/gifts/unique callings.

We are heavily involved with spofford.  I don’t know that we are involved with della lamb. The way we get involved in ministries is a three step process.  A person must be able to demonstrate
Does the thing fit the mission
Who will do it?  Do I have a team that is interested?
How will it be funded?

There are many other ways that we are connected to the district and conference
Missions bld
Trailer in Joplin
Use of building
Pastors luncheon
Open welcome to our district and conf friends.

Can you be a good Christian if you don't take the Old Testament stories literally?
What is a good Christian? Loves God, loves neighbor, gives self away in the name of Jesus.
He answered: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind," and, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Lk 10:27
Can you be a good Christian? Sure, if you want to be.

You can be a bad Christian and believe every Old Testament story too. We need to draw fewer lines of separation and more circles that take people in.

What about cremation?
So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 1Cor 15:42-44
Ecclesiastes 3:20  (NIV)
20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.

Tithing, before or after taxes?
10% gross or net. Dave Ramsey says adjusted gross income.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there many be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it..Mal 3:10

How do we teach our children to stand against Atheism?
How do we combat atheism that is all around us? Idolatry?
You don't stand against something, you stand for something
You teach by word and deed

Set the example
Be ready to give answer

1Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

Having spent Easter with my sister who is probably agnostic at best, what's the best reply for someone who is looking for ways to connect to God but hasn't found that way yet? She reads all sorts of "spiritual" books, but finds the Bible stories from when she was growing up as myths only - good for kids and teaching morality, but beyond that... I doubt she'd read the Bible. she thinks that as long as she's a good person, belief in God and Jesus are unnecesary. What would you tell her?

I would tell her that God is love. 1 jn 4

Most of these folks don’t believe in the god of the church, the jesus of the church.
The church has been so heavy, it has created many of these folks by its heavy handed ways
If they could ever get a picture of the amazing loving creator God, they might be more willing to listen.
You can show them.

I would like to know some suggestions on how you can "bring someone's faith back" after they have strayed.
Find some books, not heavy  books that they might read that would help them move along.
When you talk to them, don’t hurt them.
Let them see the love and joy of your life.

What are two more of your favorite scriptures?
My second question is, How does one love himself?   All throughout the bible we are taught this very important 2nd commandment from Jesus.  To love others as we love ourselves.  The Bible gives us all kinds of stories and ways to love others.  I know how to love my wife, son, daughter-in-law, family and friends.  However, no one has ever taught me how to love myself!

Prodigal son – radical forgiveness.
          Jesus was not known for running with former sinners
Romans 8

There is a difference between loving yourself and how you feel about yourself.
I am very grateful for my life.  I love the gift of life.  The chance that I have to do these things.
Sometimes I feel funny about myself.  Low self esteem.
I want to separate these two things out.

The healthiest love for God and others does not come from a broken, crushed, terrible outlook about myself.  The healthiest love for God and others comes from a sense that I am valued by God.
The little voice in the back of my head does not want to give up
But we need the voice of God to get louder.

God made me and God doesn’t make junk.
Nothing can separate me from God’s love.

 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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