Monday, February 11, 2013

Making Sense of God-6th Sense John 3:1-8 2/10/2013

Sermon 2-10-13 Jn 3:1-8 making sense of God – the 6th sense

Sermon series making sense of God
Hearing seeing, tasting,
Today- the sixth sense

What is a sixth sense?
Sometimes we sense things that go beyond touch, taste, feel, hear…
Something is going on here that we don’t understand
Bill and Ted-Something strange is a foot at the circle K ---------- video clip
Star wars, may the force be with you
Something is going on here that is beyond us

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night.
He knows how spirituality works.
Its by the rules
But somehow it isn’t clicking for him
He knows that there is something else, something more
And he sees it in Jesus
Do you see this in Jesus?

There is something about this jesus
He is in touch with things that other people are not
He doesn’t just talk about god, he seems to know God
Are you attracted to people like this?
His words are so filled with grace,
His actions reach past the constructs of the Pharisees and touches people
in real life- down in their soul
Jesus has the mojo Jesus has the sav-wa fair

Is there a sixth sense?
There is something about true spirituality that defies explanation.
It does not fit into a box.  It cannot be contained.
Jesus explains that those who are born of the spirit are like the wind
You can’t tell where they come from or where they are going
Jesus walks thru the walls
Jesus senses his father is with him
Thomas is doubing..Jesus speaks to Thomas. 
You have seen & believe. Blessed are they who have not seen, yet believe

Our experience
Christians are supposed to be led by the spirit
What we are really talking about is a leading of the holy spirit
The wind blows from place to place, so are those who are led by the spirit
Many report having such sensations from time to time

How do we experience this?
In the general sense of right and wrong
[the order of the world causes us to stop and look, to think, there must be more]
A feeling that you get when you sit by a fire, a fountain or the beach
A feeling that you get when you look out over the mountains from the top of the continental divide
When you look into the room of your sleeping child at night
To sense that you love someone else, or that you are loved.
Intuitions – Nudges - Dreams
A message in the night.  You wake up and something is coming to you
Old time preachers used to say, I Know that I know that I know

What might these sensations be?
They might be last night’s pizza
You might be on drugs…..LSD..…blood pressure meds
It could be your imagination
It could be very Christian sounding imagination
And it just might be the spirit

How do you know if it is the holy spirit
1.   It draws you into the character of Jesus….makes you kind
22 But the fruit(AI) of the Spirit is love,(AJ) joy, peace,(AK) patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Gal 5:22

2.   It points you in the direction of his purpose
People always expect an exact direction….go to Africa.  Become a nurse
But god’s direction if much more often about the who-ness of who you are than the what-ness
God has to allow some room in this world for our free will.
For us to make choices that he can celebrate

3.   It draws you away from self and out towards others
God’s will always points you out there…
The spirit should make you more relevant…..more compassionate. More connected

4.   These experiences Give you a peace
Even when they challenge you deeply, they give you a peace.
An it is well with my soul kind of feeling.

Where do you go with this sermon?
This is a series about making sense of god
About experiencing god

Be aware that there is a world of the spirit. 
And you can lean into it or you can lean away from it.
Much good comes to those and through those who are atune to the spirit

Don’t become crazy
Don’t become irrelevant
Don’t be afraid to do something Good
By his  spirit God always calls us to a purpose that is greater than yours

Perhaps our physical senses only exist to help confirm what our spirit knows down deep?
And when the world we experience overwhelms our physical senses,
or worse when what we experience seems so wrong, evil even, what are we left with?
We can still experience God.

Holocaust…death camps.
All physical senses where flooded with evil. -- Still many survived.
They recited bits of scripture and prayers.  They sang songs of the faith.
When their five senses were bombarded with death and hate and pain, they would not be broken, they would not be crushed, they would not succumb to despair.
Instead, the spark of life that is the Spirit within us, fueled the will to love, to share, to hope, to live.

There is a sixth sense, and  It is the work of the spirit that makes us aware of our Father
It is our encounter with grace. 
It is the light in the darkness,
the cool water for those that thirst. 

It is nourishment in the wilderness, because it is a recognition that God is with us.  We are not alone.  We are children of God, claimed and loved.

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