Monday, December 3, 2012

Give Thanks: Thankful for Life in the Spirit Lamentataiona 3:19-26 11/18/2012

Today’s Message: Give Thanks: Thankful for Life in the Spirit
Today’s Scripture:  Lamentations 3:19-26, NIV 1984

19 I remember my affliction and my wandering,  the bitterness and the gall.
20 I well remember them,  and my soul is downcast within me.
21 Yet this I call to mind   and therefore I have hope:
22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
 25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,  to the one who seeks him;
26 it is good to wait quietly  for the salvation of the Lord. 

The sermon series is on giving thanks
          But I hope you are engaged in a life of thanksgiving.  Today is the 324th day of 2012
          What about a life of thanksgiving…. Today I am how many days old? 20,226
          It is not just a sermon series……Every day should be thanksgiving.
Today giving thanks for the spiritual life

Our passage is from lamentations
Little known old testament book

Written to mourn the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians 586 BC
The suffering of the people is portrayed in great detail.
 warfare, siege, famine, and death that are described - are not just on a ‘society’ level- they are experiences on individual levels.  Brave men are reduced to begging, mothers are unable to nourish their children.  The national catastrophe is made even more real as society disintegrates and people die or are deported.  The entire book of Lamentations is an appeal for God’s mercy.

Stories of book of daniel originate here
          Three men in the firey furnace
          Daniel in the lions den
          Daniel’s visions

In a time of difficulty, the prophet still points the people to the joy that we have in the Lord
The life in the spirit helps us rise above what ever may be going on in the world.

Verse 24 “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
When the lord is our portion, we are full.  In the most complete kind of way.
It was true then.  It is still true today.

Spiritual life
We don’t like the word
Its hard to explain
We feel more earthly than spiritual
We can relate to the physical
We are more comfortable with earthly issues
          Mow the grass.  Get yr nails done.  Go to the grocery store. Watch tv.

Spiritual things?  Tend to frighten us
          Read the bible.  Pray.  Pray outloud.  Think harder about how we live.
          The spiritual life is hard work, but it is rewarding.

We tend to divide life into compartments
The spiritual and the carnal, or the worldly
Yet when we open our heart, we can see that everything in life can be spiritual

Everything is spiritual
See the joy in a sunrise
Finding people to love in the grocery store
Thanking god for breath as you mow the grass
Give thanks for your pain…..its when we feel the most alive
See life as a journey with our father
Celebrate it

What is the Story of your life
Smiled at baptism
What do you want to be when you grow up – a football player – or a pastor
First prayer remembered june 1969- brian adams was doing what?
Thankful for salvation – punch the ticket
Decisions decisions decisions  for christ
                I am doing it wrong
                Spiritual birthdays

My  journey
          I am a child.  I go because they make me
          I am a youth.  I am starting to think about this
          I have an epiphany
                I know it all
          Life breaks me
                I don’t know it all
                There is so much to learn, not that we will attain
There is no arrival

Seeing is so important
The spiritual journey begins when we start to see the world differently
Most of us have a very narrow view of life…….. horse blinders
We see and evaluate experiences and people in very human ways
God sees so differently, and invites us to see as he sees
          Seeing every moment as a gift from god
          Seeing his presence every where
Seeing others as souls
          Seeing yourself as a soul

The spiritual search
Allowing others to have theirs – folks looking for a church
Allowing yourself to enjoy yours
Setting aside guilt
Welcoming celebration
Taking a serious bent

What can you take from this?
Ed wimberly’s book, remembering your faith story
We all have one.  What happens to you when you remember the stories?

This is the side of life that delivers us joy. Hope.  Love.  gratitude.
Do you have something to be thankful for?

Today can be a day of decision for you.
          To choose Christ for the first time
          To choose him again- every day is a day of decisioin/embracing christ
To tackle a bad habit or attitude
To release someone from bondage
To love someone
To love
To live the generous life
To find the joy

What are you waiting for?

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