Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Straight Talk-About Money Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus

Oct. 28 2012 straight talk – about money     Luke 19:1-10 zacchaeus =
19 Jesus entered Jericho(A) and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig(B) tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.(C) 5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’”(D) 8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord,(E) “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything,(F) I will pay back four times the amount.”(G) 9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.(H) 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”(I)

The annual sermon on giving-
I hope you hear these themes the rest of the year.
Sacrifice, living the generous life, living outside of one’s self

But because our budget team needs to be able to plan for next  year,
and because it is important from time to time for us to consider or giving, here we go…….

Zacchaeus- Encountered jesus and changed
His approach to how he treated people, and how he used money changed when he had lunch with jesus

Every step that we take closer to jesus, changes how we think what we do, and how we use our resources.

How we spend our money says everything about what we believe in
Paul told timothy that when we get our living and giving in proper perspective, we find the life that truly is life.

1 timothy 6
17 Command those who are rich(AM) in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,(AN) which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,(AO) who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.(AP) 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,(AQ) and to be generous and willing to share.(AR) 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves(AS) as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of(AT) the life that is truly life

The bishop has written some wonderful things about living the generous life-

Why Give?
1.    Giving helps congregations thrive – we get to do wonderful things to help others.

2.     Giving aligns us with God’s purposes- we participate in his will

3.     Giving changes us inside- it Rewires us from acquiring to giving; our motivations change; drawn closer to God

4.     Giving mirrors God’s nature – we Become more like the giving God and less anxious, less fearful, less influenced by a culture that drives us to consume

5.     Giving fosters a healthier relationship to money - Establishes priorities and balance

6.     Giving deepens our relationship with God  as we consecrate material goods to God’s purposes

7.     Giving honors Christ’s sacrifice- Giving of one’s self is to participate in Christ’s self-giving

The bishop also talks about Tithing- giving 10%
          It is Biblical/historical
          It is Simple
          It is Consistent
          While it may stretch us, it is Attainable
When people as me about tithing, I encourage them to look at their level of giving as a percent and simply raise it a step at a time.

Other quotes from the bishop on extravagant generosity-
People who practice Extravagant Generosity give with unexpected liberality; they make giving a first priority; and they plan their giving with great energy and passion.  They go the second mile.  They do not give from a “what remains” mentality, but from a “what comes first” priority.  Giving seriously becomes a personal spiritual discipline, a way of serving God, and a means of helping the church fulfill its God-appointed mission.  Focused conviction and intention causes them to give in a more pronounced way, without fear and with greater trust.  Giving changes their lives.

Extravagant does not correspond with giving that is merely dutiful, required, burdensome, mandated, or simply doing one’s part.  Extravagant denotes a style and attitude of giving that is unexpectedly joyous, without predetermined limits, from the heart, extraordinary, over-the-top, and propelled by great passion.  Extravagant is the generosity seen in those who appreciate the beauty of giving, the awe and joy of making a difference for the purposes of Christ.  Extravagant Generosity is giving to God as God has given to us.

People who practice Extravagant Generosity change their lives in order to become more generous.  They shift things around so that they can do more.  Their generosity opens them to projects they never dreamed God would involve them in!  They become rich in giving. 

You have many choices about where to give & even where to attend
Today I want to spend a few moments to help you understand
why woods chapel is worth investing in, worth giving to

We are doing marvelous things for children
We care- Treehouse
Tree house kids

We are providing room for people to worship
In 2009 we were full
Worship center
Labyrinth - contemplative
Attendance up – 10-15%

We are creating space for people to be in community
Do you remember when our foyer was 20’ deep?
Coffee bar
Furniture in foyer
Converge here sept 12 2000 pastors

Our Adult education department is strong
100 in disciple b study

Our youth group is thriving
40-50 in each group, jr and sr high

We are reaching people outside of our church
Food pantry – emergency relief

Focus ministry

We are reaching beyond ourselves
Missions teams to Jamacia and Russia,
Family trip to st Louis
from May 2011 to May 2012...we sent 58 teams, and 484 people from our coungregation to Joplin. A lot of folks went many times.  A few went and are still going every week. 

The greatest stories are not about buildings and grounds, but about the lives that are changed thru this place….
Nicodemus- says, ah.  Now I get it.
I hear from people all the time who tell me that they are getting it.

A young man gives away a car
Ivan Lindner in joplin
Missy Nance in Joplin

Here is just an excerpt from a poem one of you wrote after being touched by how we are sent by Jesus:

Holy Spirit thick as it moves within my soul
Fingers curved in tension raised up with inspired words
To rattle the status quo of my mind
And look through different eyes

To whom have I been sent?
Names and faces come alive
Reach out my hands, spend the time!
For they may be who Jesus sent for me!

And then…and you are passing this culture, this mission onto the next generations. Just look at a few of our youth and how they are learning to live the life that truly is life. (video)

Video of youth group

What we are simply asking you to do today is understand that Your gifts are changing lives.
And we have the opportunity at this time of year to think about what we want to give. 

Step chart
Please take a look at the step chart.  Find where you are.  Don’t worry about those who are giving nothing.  Everyone was there at one time or another.  I am not upset by the number of folks there, these are our opportunities to grow and help folks grow in generosity. 

Pledge card
Please take home the pledge card attached to your bulletin and prayerfully consider what you would like to do in 2013. And then bring your pledge back to church the next Sunday or two and place in the offering plate.

1.   Your gifts help us plan for effective ministry- so the budget team can prepare
2.   Your electronic gifts help keep your church stable during the summer
3.   Your gifts are doing much good for the sake of Christ.

Today I want to say thank you….
·        Thank you, my friends, for the great love and grace you show in connecting people to Christ.
·        Thank you in advance for your generous support of the ministries of woods chapel.
·        Thanks for wanting to be a part of God’s work, something that is bigger than we are
·        Thank you for grasping your life and putting things in proper perspective
·        Thank you for pursuing the life that truly is life.

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