Friday, March 16, 2012

Who Is Jesus - Jesus Loves the Children Mark 10:13-16 03/04/2012

Sermon 3-4-12 lent 2 who is this jesus? bbn
jesus loves the children mk 10:13-16

13 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.

Jenny and pneumonia. We are deeply concerned for our children. Are we? So is God

Before we talk about our children being gone, or you might say, I have no children. Jesus had no children. All children are gods children.

Largest group of unchurched in any community – 37% of children attend church
Lowest % of children attending church than at any time in our history
Result – grow up spiritually illiterate, unprepared
What is the Christmas story………..twas the night before chirstmas and all thru thehouse
No biblical stories, no Christian mentors

In jesus day, children are property
In some countries they drown babies if they are the wrong sex.
Jesus is making new rules and they go against our grain
Jesus is changing the culture. In his kingdom, children are not property.

Disrupting the adult world to reach the young
Their world of power, control and status…
Jesus says, Its not about you
its what happens when you are new parents
When yo have a child, your life changes.
Guys you have a child, you just went from #2 too 3

Investing in children
Train up a child in the way he should go Prov 22:6
There needs to be a balance during the life years
Helping children vs helping children too much
They never learned anything until they had to do it themselves
Each parent is going to make their own way, but we have to ask the questions
We have to prepare them for the life that will be handed over to them
Churches need to do the same thing as well.
When we stop trying to reach the next generation, we are in trouble.
We can’t invite them to come like what we like
Children are the future of our church?
David hyatt, consult w the church in st Louis.

Children learn what they live
You teach fear, they live out fear. You teach trust. They live it out
Children take cues from you on how things are going
Children learn what they are taught. You can teach a child to fear and you can teach a child to love. Some teaching is done intentionally, a good deal of teaching is done subliminally. The children just watch you, and learn from your clues as to how to act.
Grandma is dying. How will a child respond? Exactly as you teach them. If you are a total basket case, then you can expect them to be inconsolable. If you tell them that it's ok, and that Grandma is going to be with Jesus, they will accept that and go back to playing. What you show them, they will emulate. If the worst of your insecurities are on display, then you can expect your children will mirror them. If the healthy part of you is on display, then you can expect that your children will take comfort in your leadership.

The role of we care, Sunday school, scouting, we care, playgroup and more
What they do there

Each Sunday school class has a prayer partner that prays for that specific class. One class in particular (11:15, 1st – 4th grade) has their prayer partners come in whenever they can to teach a class. They are an older couple and they always bring unique games and crafts for the kids to do. After one of those special Sundays, the mother of a 4th grader came up to me and said her daughter looks forward to those classes like they are Christmas.

During the months of December and January, the Children’s Ministry was collecting for tornado relief in Joplin. The money was going towards purchasing e-books students at a Joplin elementary school. One child had saved up all of her change and could not wait to stop by and drop her money down the coin vortex. Her mother said she talked about it all week.

A couple years ago a parent told me a story about how her child (then a 1st grader) had visited and elderly uncle and was telling him every detail about the story of Lazarus. The uncle was surprised at how much the child knew. When he asked her how she knew so much, she proudly proclaimed, “I learned it in Sunday school!”

This summer we invited some of the neighborhood children that play basketball outside the church to come to our VBS. They made the effort on their own to come in and get the forms, take them home and get them filled out. They were responsible for getting themselves here. They were present every night and loved every minute of it. Rhonda and jodi


Yes, We are 2nd Grade Brownie Troop 1893 from Voy Spears Elementary in Blues Springs. We are all about SERVICE to the communities around us. We have had food drives for Harvesters and packed food for them, made up backsnacks for children who don't have food at home, collected coats during the winter, made lunches for the homeless, delivered cookies to our police force in Lees Summit, sent care packages and cookies to our troops in Afghanistan, and are currently working on helping our sister troop in Rawanda get set up and going with Girl Scouts! We also have a lot of fun too!

Summer Camp
A third grade boy (sizzler) accepting Jesus at the bowling alley. He was waiting for his turn to bowl and told his teacher he wanted Jesus in his heart. We had talked about accepting Jesus in our hearts at Gathering that morning. (parent was overwhelmed and stunned…said she made the right choice for summer).

Brianne now 6th grader) was walking in from the playground and said to her teachers, “the only church I go to everyday is Gathering at camp….that’s my church”. Her father now volunteers here at church….Tae Kwon Do.

Will said, “Ms. Judy, I love you. We need to pray for my mom cause she is going somewhere to get better.” (Mom was going to rehab…..and Will was one of those children that you wouldn’t think got it )

Charlie father died last fall. Charlie glows when he talks about Jesus. Charlie knows that Jesus loves him. Charlie’s father had a very strong faith. Mom is grateful that Charlie was here during the difficult time Charlie’s dad was dying.

Will….at Chapel Lakes…you told me the story about the teacher? seeing Will with the kids everyday and the bus with the church name on it.

The parent of one of tykes used to have a terrible time dropping her child off for Sunday school. Last week that parent told me her daughter had gotten up and dressed herself and said, “Come on, mama. I wanna go to church!”


Marriages lived out in quiet desperation result in kids living in confusing and painful places

Since they cant articulate some of their struggles, sometimes adults dismiss them
Children are thirsty for hope and joy
They need mentors
Create a climate of compassion and hope
We should never have to beg for teachers………

Help children see themselves as persons of worth…..a child of God….”I am OK.” We help build self image because children must love themselves to love others.
Help them to be involved with other people….to give as well as take.

As a child in the Lutheran church
Lets provide an atmosphere where children are always loved and welcomed. All of us, at any age can do this.

Seminary- if their cats and dogs and kids like you……’re ok.

How can you reach out to children
How can you reach out to the generation behind you?
Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them. This is what the kingdom of god is like

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