Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Journey of Advent - Closer to Christmas 12/18/2011

Sermon 12-18-11

Journey of advent- closer to Christmas
Our heart closer to the heart of God

Joseph and Mary journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem

The road goes thru Samaria or around it 70 or 100 miles

Who are the Samaritans
Were not forced to Babylon – undesirables
587-532 BC
New home. Mixed marriages. New religious traditions.
We hold the correct way to worship – mt Gerizim
The Samaritans, however, derive their name not from this geographical designation, but rather from the Hebrew term Shamerim שַמֶרִים, "Keepers [of the Law
Jews said, no, you are wrong.

Which road do you think Joseph took
She is pregnant
The day Scott was born
What road does god take
The baby jesus isn’t just visited by kings
Jesus as an adult is known to run with black sheep
What road do we take

I was hungry and you fed me – Mt 25
We think of this as, oh good. I am ok.

How do you think the poor felt? Happy, someone fed them
Have you ever thought of the joy that others have when they are helped?
Joplin video

Out of sight, out of mind
Do we like to insulate ourselves from the rest of the world
From those less desirable

I want to tell you a story about some people that I have encountered
• I have been to Joplin 3 times
• My visit to csl
• Giving beds to Israel and hido
• Alan and Tonya Ross- I want to help, par t of me wants it to go away
I drive by there all the time
Yes I want to drive by there

The righteous are self unaware

We need to serve
We need to put our lives into perspective
We need to give
Blind side video of michael orer has never had his own bed

I am not talking about feeling guilty
I am not talking about you selling everything and giving to the poor
What will it take for us to start thinking
Is jeff tormenting me
Or it this how god thinks?

Who do we gravitate to The 99 or the one?
When jeff walks the foyer…………coffee w friends or new friends?

As we move toward Christmas.
As we enjoy our holiday traditions.
As we attend the concerts and pageants.

Are there people we are avoiding?
Are there those we leave out?

Who else is on this journey with us?
Who should we include and invite to journey with us?
What would including them look like?

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