Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Job Part 4 - God Answers - Job 38-41

Week 4. Sermon title – Job part 4 - God answers Job 38-41- sat 1121am

The series ends
Our problems don’t

Ways we hope to address problems

Human wisdom

Job wants answers. (we want answers)

Finally God speaks.
• Highlights His unlimited wisdom/power.
• Highlights Job’s limited wisdom/power.

Are we really as smart as we think
1500 Copernicus put an end to the age of the flat earth
The earth as the center of the solar system
Issac Newton 1700 – laws of physics
An object at rest…….

Einstein in the 40s and 50s broke new ground
Newton’s laws don’t explain it all
Theory of relativity
Father of modern physics-opened the door to quantum physics

An international team of scientists said on Thursday that they had recorded sub atomic particles traveling faster than light- a finding that could overturn one of Einstein’s long accepted fundamental laws of the universe. That the speed of light is a constant and nothing moves faster..

The end of the age of Einstein
Human wisdom is never going to manage or control this world

So some opt for option two
A god that fixes everything
Is really a god of human wisdom

If god loves us he will fix everything, he will save us from pain

Noted religious leader on tv a few weeks ago. The problems in America point to the end of time. To Jesus return
We don’t want to live thru problems. We want god to save us from them.

Part of us wants to worship at the home of the god of easy answers
Ultimately this god is a god of our own making

Some suggest that the answer to our problems is to stop asking questions
Sometimes the church demands that we have blind faith
Don’t ask questions
Don’t question anything
Don’t challenge the pastor
Don’t challenge the word- whose interpretation?

This is tough on our brains – we don’t want to be crushed
It feels manipulative
It feels like the inquisition

The world is rejecting this form of Christianity
God is not offended by our questions
As an answer to our questions, god offers himself

God offers himself.
Not the god of easy answers
Not the god who does not take questions
But the amazing giant, mysterious God
The get lost in the wonder god… the fall into his arms god

In the presence of god we humans melt
Paul on the road
Isaiah in the throne room
Moses before the burning bush

There is a place where we go and we are with something so much bigger than we are, that our questions are swallowed up
Parents comfort their children, god puts his arms around you

Going to have lunch with my dad
At 70, he wanted to go sit at his parents table

God is Transcendent:
God knows everything about each one of His creations.
He is with them all. The raven, the lion, the mountain goat, the ostrich, etc.
He knows when they eat and when they sleep. He knows where they live and when they give birth.

He knows us.
Does not mean that we won’t suffer, but that God is with us.

Shawn f quote - When we come to the end of ourselves, it is not the end.

Psalm 16- in your presence there is fullness of joy

16:11 you make known to me the path of life. You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Wendy to close with testimony

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