Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Resurrection Stories Peace Be With You John 20:19-23 5/15/11

Sermon 5-15-11 resurrection stories peace be with youu

John 20:19-23

19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”

A couple of things
Musical, gina k, iris, change the world, end of the world may 21

If you forgive their sins they are forgiven, if you don’t…
How will we do this?
Are you forgiving people their sins?
Are you forgiving yourself?

The boy kicked his mother and was told the story about him growing up and they had to saw off his leg to get him into the casket
God never forgets

He gives them peace
He forgives them
Without a confession, without any begging on their part

I am not saying that we shouldn’t confess, we should
I am not saying we shouldn’t be sorry for our sins, we should be
But I am asking you to look at the picture in this story.

And I am realizing that it looks the same as in many other stories-
The prodigal son is not squeezed to get his pint of repentance
The thief on the cross is not given the spiritual third degree
Its like Jesus sees their hearts and responds to that
To the entire world -Jesus on the cross
Father forgive them

Paul on the road to Damascus did not confess his sins or say a prayer
He did it later……..maybe, maybe not
But the overwhelming picture given in the story is the amazing power of god

God just rushes in and says, Ive got this

Back to jesus and the disciples hiding in the room

Jesus doesn’t make them grovel
Got a nice note from someone this past week who is struggling with guilt
God loved the people so much that he is taking over and getting his work done.
The work is already done
Accept it

No time for sulking or groveling, I love you – lets go

Christians walk into the room and judge others as needing them
And we are not forgiving their sins.
Who are we to count someones sins agains them?
But we do it because we are still counting our own against ourselves

When you know that you are forgiven, you are much more forgiving to other

some people want me to tell them how bad they are.
why? What does that do to your daily living? Your confidence?
Do you think that Jesus wants you spending you life running around remembering how crummy you are? Is this how you want your children to live?
But this is what we do to ourselves
And what is the result.

We come up with nutty things like this…..
What happens if I sin before I die?
You have to be up on your forgiveness, if you aren’t, then you will go to hell.
Really. Is this what we believe? How did we learn things like this?
Is this what God is like?

Get off of your sin. God’s grace is bigger

We are not filled with the spirit because we are filled with doubt and fear.
2 timothy 1:7 7For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Jesus says, receive the holy spirit, forgive their sins
Let them go. Free them. Welcome them. Heal them.
God walks in the room and speaks peace
man is that why they call this good news?

the spirit rushes into the disciples
as the father has sent me, so I am sending you.

We are not very comfortable about being sent
Because we thought the message was - telling everyone how bad they r
Holding their sins against them

But Jesus says, you have to power to forgive them. Do it.

What if we can learn to deliver the message of forgiveness and love?
What if the message doesn’t address what is wrong with you but instead it rushes into you and fills you

You then are able to do this, be this to others
you rush into the room with the message of love.
Are you ok with being sent then?

This blows my theology out of the water.
He does not insist that they repent.
He does not give them any correction
There is nothing that they have to process to receive the blessing
They are simply given the spirit
The peace is imposed.

Is it possible that god’s love is so big that when it comes into the room, nothing else matters?

What kind of god were you taught about?
What kind of god do you follow?
What picture of god are you giving to others?
To your friends, your children?
• Watch out- god is going to judge you
• God is mad at you
• Come learn the secret knowledge of god that only I know
• May 21 end of the world
Or are you teaching them about the god who is love. Who comes into the room and gives the spirit


Jesus walks in the room and gives speaks peace.
What? Are you kidding? They just killed you. And I am glad you have risen as you said but are they going to do that to us?
Peace? Really?

Yes. You are going to live in a world of struggle. But I have overcome and so will you.
Love them, heal them, bless them.

Breath on them
Receive the holy spirit
As the father sent Jesus, so he is sending you
Receive and go carry his love into the next room you are in

Jeff Brinkman
Woods Chapel United Methodist Church

You can read Jeff's blog at www.canyouhearthebirdssing.blogspot.com

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