Thursday, December 10, 2009

Communion Meditation 7-99-95 Peter 1:17-19

Communion Mediation 7-9-95

Communion Meditation 7-9-95 1 Peter 1:17-19

A Father acts impartially
giving the children what they need, whether they deserve it or not
my Dad: ground pool in backyard
I am proud of my Dad....pulling like a trooper in mom's illness

God, our heavenly father acts impartially, too
gives us what we need whether we deserve it or not
We had.have a need
a great gulf exists between God and man.....needs to be spanned
life without God.....empty, barren

Redemption not done with perishable things
Not done by the religions of me
no moral code can span the gap

We have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ
given freely
gruesome....senseless.....yet it is the way that God chose to act
the innocent of the guilty
We are redeemed not
because Jesus was a nice guy, tho he was
not because Jesus taught a code of ethics, tho he did
not by following his example, tho we should
but because he is the perfect lamb, w/o spot or blemish....God's sacrifice on your behalf

Salvation, right standing with God is a gift....brought to you by God, thru the blood of Christ
there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ

Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation
for everyone who believeth

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