Thursday, November 12, 2009

Forgiveness 9-21-09 Matthew 6:5-15

Forgiveness 9-21-09 Matthew 6:5-15

Stories of Pain

in the course of life there may be no greater stumbling block than that of unforgiveness
I can't let it didn't happen 5 minutes ago, it is 1, 5, 20 years old...I can't shake it
Friends, it is a matter of focus
Time heals everything?...think about it
refocusing heals everything...
the passage of time often needed to help us refocus on something that can heal the sit.

Focus on Self
all grief is about the self...being a victim...this is about me, I cannot change them or the circumstances...these things will eat our lunch
Hebrews 12:15 Look diligently lest any one fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness spring up and trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.

If is important that we take care, and keep our hearts clean
otherwise we impact our family, friends, all of life
forgiveness is something that all of us need to find

this is a difficult place to so...give me something nice, give me something easy
Wait friends...isn't this what the call of Christ is about?
that the depths of our soul would be open... that we would learn to say
father forgive them, they know not what to do

Focus on Others
when you focus on problems you take your eyes off of God
that example from Jesus is very important...he did not see the crown as murderous, nasty people, he saw them as thoses who God loves and wants to redeem
how do you want God to see you
we want all the grace for us, but are less willing to grant it to others
if we are to follow the way of Christ...we must learn to see others as God sees them
see them as imperfect, broken, weak

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