Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Speak, Lord, Your Servant Is Listening 4-20-97

Speak, Lord, Your Servant Is Listening 1 Samuel 1,2,3:1-10

When Alli was born.............
Hanna wanted a baby ... the desire to have a child ... cuts a bargain ... if you give me a son, I will give him to serve you.

Then she is gifted, the child is born, given the name Samuel. Then she does the strangest thing...she does it!...she gives the child to God. When things are turned over to the Lord, they reach their full potential. I wonder if she ever went by to peek in the window. I wonder if she ever wanted him back. It is very hard to give yourself to the Lord; we want to resume control.

The boy Samuel..."Eli, you called"..."No, I did not" We adults don't always get it. The adult finally gets it...God is leading. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.

Oh to know that you have heard His voice
Oh to know that He wants you.
Oh to know the joy of falling on your face in submission to Him.
Oh the completeness
On the fullness.

Hanna was blessed, Hanna was gifted, and she turned the blessing over to the Lord and Samuel became all that God intended. We as a church have been blessed. We have been gifted, as individuals and as a church. We must be willing to turn ourselves over completely.

David Flude is a minister in the United Methodist Church. He has worked for years in missions in South Africa. He has been given 0-4 months to live. He is leaving in the coming week to return to South Africa to do missions. Adam asked him why. "I want to be spent for the mission of Jesus Christ" he said. "When I die, I want nothing to be left that I can do for Him."

I implore you, I ask you, I beg you, to hear His voice, to turn your life over completely to Jesus Christ, to offer yourselves completely to His service. In this life that is the only thing that matters.

  • Here I am...speak, Lord, for this servant is listening. Amen

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