Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Building Blocks 1 Corinthians 3 4-13-97

Building Blocks 1 Cor 3

Junior high school band...saxophone vs baritone section. We never were able to focus on the making of music.

Church at Corinth...lost focus on the central issue...Paul vs Apollos...easy to focus on one good, one bad. Churches do this: Baptist vs Methodist, one committee or group vs another.

There are building blocks in life. They all go together to make the building. Which are unimportant?

In our faith development: experience.
--Wednesday evening study...Mrs. Schlicht
--Sunday school. Alli knows books of the New Testament.
--Ways to serve and give in the church...

Which of these is most important? Do they not all work towards building a foundation of faith in Christ? All are members in the body, all play an important role.

As we enter adulthood, Christ needs to be the sure foundation. We tend to gather stuff to our persona. I am an MU fan, I am a KU fan, I am union, I am non-union, I live here, I live there, I drive this, I drive that, I went to Camino, I did not, I am in this class, I am in that SS class.

Paul would remind us that no foundation can be laid than that which has already been laid.

I am glad today that I have Jesus Christ in my life. We may lose things, we may make mistakes, but we will always have Him. No one can take that away, not a burglar, not the IRS, not the Bishop, not death itself. No one can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.

With that assurance, we go forward to face the day, to face the week, to face whatever this life, to face whatever our God can bring.

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