Wednesday, March 25, 2009

God Loves Others: the cross, sacrifice Romans 5:1-8 3-22-09

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possible dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Week 4 of lent
Lent - 40 days of love, about a loving God

Usually during lent we talk about suffering, prayer, the cross
I have had trouble with this, last year and this year - just too sad.
There is a sermon that I have done for 18 years.
I could barely get through it last year and this year.
You know I liked the movie the passion of the Christ.
But it was so very sad. . . . .
I wanted to focus on God's love.
The more I have thought about God's love, I find myself at the cross.

The marks of love.
Kindness - Selfless ness
Sacrifice - Extraordinary efforts for the sake of the innocent
What is the greatest sacrifice that you have ever made?

I have been reading a book - 2 kinds of people. Evaluators and affirmers.
Evaluators always find something wrong with you or others. Affirmers see the good in you. They go out of their way to help you. They make sacrifices for others.

Parents sacrifice for their children.
For your kids, hope so, that's what parents are supposed to do.

Anytime you see a happy family, it did not happen by accident. Somebody sacrificed convenience, comfort, time, power, and the right to make unilateral decisions. There is no success without sacrifice.

"We live in the era of the pampered athlete, executive, politician, student, parishioner, preacher, and nation. Sacrifice is no longer in vogue, everyone wants to be bailed out, but friends, Sacrifice makes the difference in life. It is the sacrament of love."

We talk about love . . . . . I love you . . . . you are beautiful . . . . . you make me happy
I can't live without you . . . . . this is not love
Do you hear the self in this?

Life is not about taking, it is about giving
Love is not about having everything your way, it is about giving way to others.
I am not important, you are important.

If sacrifice is the mark of love
We put ourselves in peril - For the benefit of our loved ones
We show our love by our sacrifice

John 15:13 Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Would you give your life for another?
Would you give your life for me?
Would I give my life for you?

There are some amazing stories of sacrifice
Sam Randolph 7' tall, gave up a promising college basketball career and a shot at the NBA - played NCAA div 2 ball - set his sights on medical school.
He is a 7th day Adventist. In their faith, Saturday is the Lord's day. He will not play basketball on Saturday.

Most of us sacrifice the Lord's day for things that we want to do.
He sacrificed what he wanted to do, for the Lord's day of rest.

Examples of sacrifice: Who is this man?
Who wears #37 for the Chiefs? - no one
Joe Delaney - drafted from NWST Univ Shreveport La. Rnd 4, pick 21 1981
1981 AFC rookie of the yr for the KC Chiefs - played 2 seasons, set many records

On June 29, 1983 that all changed. Joe was at Chennault Park in Monroe, Louisiana. This young NFL athlete answered a call to be extraordinary. Hearing three children's cries for help, he entered the water.

It is sad that the sacrifice of a human life, the ultimate gift of love, is remembered today by so few.

Has anyone ever had someone save their life?
I know of a boy who was recently pulled unconscious from a burning car.
I know of at least one man in this church whose life was spared because someone else was where they were supposed to be.
My wife was a lifeguard years ago. She saved the life of a young boy . . .
Has anyone ever had someone give their life so that they might live?

Who is this man? (in the stained glass)
And what about the sacrifice of Jesus?
One day, 2000 years ago, he was beaten and crucified, giving his life for you.

Without this act of God's love, we were perishing, not just lost in our sins but lost in life. No practical example of love to follow. People are not just lost in sin, they are lost in life . . . . they think it is about them.

Now you are forgiven, free, if you call on his name.
You don't earn it. You have accomplished nothing to get it. You're just affirmed.
The cross is not about how much God hates sin. It is about how much God loves you.

All of us have a book of remembrances
Things happen that mark our lives.
The cross is the event that marks every life in all history.
Even those who do not know, his blood avails for them, it still holds true . . . .
Forgiveness is a gift waiting to be accepted.

Joe Delaney? There is at least one person that remembers him.
How many of you know the name, Marty Holland?
On June 29th, 1983 - Marty Holland 10 years old
"I think about Joe a lot. I think about Joe every time I see a football game," Marty says. "Because all those people were out there, and he was the only one out there to risk his life to try to save a life."

Think about when you first called on the name of Jesus.
That day your life was saved.
For the cross is God's ultimate sign of love.

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. bbb

Today I call you to remembrance.
To remember the cross, the sacrifice of love.

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