Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Memories of Prayer 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18 5-25-97

Memories of Prayer 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

Memorial Day began after the Civil War to commemorate those lost in wartime. In modern days, it has become a day to remember all loved ones. In many circles, it has turned into the first party of summer. Those who would pay homage to the day, take time to remember the gifts given to them by those who have gone on. With that in mind, today I want to talk to you about something I've been thinking about: Prayer.....memories of prayer.

A little boy was upset because they were going to miss church. What about Howard, Mom?

The early development of our prayer life is not the end, but should lay the groundwork for a mature life of prayer.

I was taught at an early age to say my prayers at night....."Now I lay me down to sleep." I was taught to pray before every meal....."God is gracious, God is good, let us thank him for our food, amen."

I remember the first time that I ever prayed in earnest, a prayer of my own. 1969.....12 years old.....moving to California.....everything boxed up.

I remember praying that the Lord would be with me and guide me. Bless this day, bless this test.

I remember a growing awareness of guilt associated with my prayers. Forgetting to pray, falling asleep while praying, insincerity in prayer, not believing that anyone could ever "pray without ceasing."

The early development of our prayer life is not the end, and we should not get stuck there, but it should lay the groundwork for a mature life of prayer.

I remember how strange it felt when it was explained that prayer could just be talking with God. That I could do it anytime and anyplace. I remember who freeing it felt to begin to believe this and practice it. A relationship began to develop, and my prayer life changed. It was no longer locked into certain postures, or times of the day, but it was free and it was heartfelt; it fit like a glove, and it felt good.

Pray without's a goal worth striving after. It is a goal that we can make progress towards.

Demello p. 18 -- A dervish was asked why he worshiped God through dance. 'Because,' he replied, 'to worship God means to die to self; dancing kills the self. When the self dies all problems die with it. Where the self is not, Love is, God is.'

Our prayers are like a dance of communication and communion with God. Use any posture, use any place, use any time. Invite Him into your world. Talk to the Lord. Find that peace that passes understanding. God is not injected into life; life is shared with and centered around God. Amen

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