Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Genesis 1 Genesis 1 6-1-97

Genesis 1 great white whale.
Scott...Dad're lucky.

Propensity in all of living to need to find something wrong with something. "Losers"

Main theme in creation -- it is Good!!
Day 1 light & darkness
Day 2 water & sky
Day 3 land & vegetation
Day 4 sun, moon, stars
Day 5 fish & birds
Day 6 animals & man
Day 7 God rested

It is all good! What is the main story of is good.

Each of our lives have a main plot and sub-plots. What is the main story of your life?

Have you ever watched a soap opera? Sub-plots take over.

So it is in our living. It is important to remember the main plot: I am a Christian, a child of God. This is very good.

When that plot is remembered, a smile develops in my soul. The other sub-plots fall away.

I invite you today to remember the main plot of your life, to remember and celebrate. God made you...God loves you...God has a plan for you. It is good! Amen

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