Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Promise Keepers Acts 5:17-39 6-8-97

Promise Keepers Acts 5:17-39

The book of Acts is the 5th book in the New Testament -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles. Chapter 5:17-39.

To the Jewish establishment, Christianity was a cult. It was not a part of their normal patterns of worship. It was not an approved sect. Gamalial's words -- "if it is of man.........if it is of God...." The apostles were beaten, killed, yet spiritual life was brought to those who heard the message.

259 years ago, May the 24th, a new movement began. Wesley's heart was warmed. He was thrown out of the Church. He preached to huge crowds at the coal mines. It was a revival movement.

The history of the Christian Church is fraught with revival groups. They usually do their work, speak their message, then in time become part of the establishment. There are orders of monks, Lutherans, Presbyterians, and yes Methodists. One of the most contemporary examples is the Assembly of God Churches; they began in 1905, grew in the 20's, became established, became an institution.

Which are the good ones? Which are the bad ones? Good ones = Woods Chapel choir, Happening, Camino.

This week, if you watched the news, you heard that Promise Keepers is a bad one. 40,000 men attended the event at Arrowhead Stadium last week. What are Promise Keepers? Here are their 7 promises:
1. Glorify Jesus Christ through worship and prayer.
2. Develop vital relationships with other men.
3. Practice spiritual, moral and sexual purity.
4. Work for stronger marriages and families.
5. Support the mission of their home church.
6. Reach beyond racial and denominational barriers.
7. Influence the people to Jesus Christ.

This cannot be all bad. I want you to know that I am not a member of Promise Keepers. I don't have the time. If it is of human origin, it will fail. If it is of God, no one will be able to stop it.

Let us remember that our ways of doing things are not the only ways of doing things. Let us not be those who shoot down something just because it is different from us. Let us realize that God works in other places than just the Methodist Church. Let us be those who are open to, and celebrate, the work of God wherever it is found.

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