Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting Pounded On Luke 4 1-15-95

Getting Pounded On 1-15-95 Luke 4 Temptations of Jesus

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Man like all of us.....faced largest evil/temptation of the day
I have a dream
Would we all stand so boldly in the face of temptation?

After Jesus was baptized by John
Led by spirit into wilderness
fasted 40 days, tempted by devil

Turn these stones into bread
temptation hits us where it hurts
using things around you for personal gain
using authority for personal gain

Bow down and worship me
worship things over worship of God

Throw self down from pinnacle of temple
tempting God
Reversal.....we get our selves into trouble then demand that God fix it

Devil left him until an opportune time.
so it is and always will be

Football games today....let's take score
start with three, subtract one for every place you fall

Start to feel pounded on....like you need help
feel it enough....maybe we will feel like we need a savior
Thank God, he has provided a savior in Jesus

Bad news is.....temptation is strong
Good news is God is still present, and his arms of love encompass his children

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