Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Beatitudes/David & Abigail 10-17-99

Sermon 10-17-99 the Beatitudes/David & Abigail

Qualitative and Quantitative

Do we look at the quantity or the qualities of people?

The love bug story [willingness to sacrifice selves]

Beatitudes Blessed
are peacemakers
For they shall be called the children of God
O to have such a contenance that people will recognize you as one of the Lord's children

Story of David & Abigail
David...future king, stuck on himself
Nabal...wealthy shepherd, hard to get along with
Abigail...gracious woman, wife a Nabal

David Cares for Nabal's shepherds
Wants some bounty in return

Have you ever done good expecting good in return?
Is this true giving

Nabal refuses the request
Have you been stubborn, clamed up and insisted you were right?

David prepares to kill Nabel and his men
Have you ever lashed out in anger?

Abigail intercedes, apologizes & brings gifts
When have you gone the second mile to make peace?
Apoligized for the actions of others?

David apologizes for his selfishness
Are you willing to see your shortcomings & apologize?

Nabal is told of Abigail's actions, has a stroke and dies
David takes Abigail to be his wife

A situation that could have led to violence and brokenness
Was thwarted because someone looked at the right things
People are always more important than ideas

Jesus shows this when asked about which is the correct place for worship
He did not just talk about peace, he lived the life of a peacemaker

I love the scene from Start Wards...Obwan, Luke * droids
These are not the droids you are looking for

Go home and lose an argument

Read the prayer of St. Francis

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