Monday, February 23, 2009

Soul to Soul John3 9-12-99

Sermon 9-12-99 Soul to Soul John3

While some think the soul can be in constant communion with God

Those who live in the real world, know there is a gap between where we live and feeling connected with God.

Opening scene of 2001 space odyssey...
monkeys beating bones, throws bone in to dai
return a call, not even an answering machine...
I'm trying, but its not working
Hammering, screwing, cleaning house...hey wait a minute
We as God's people feel a deep need to be closer to him

Nicodemus, a pharisee, goes to see Jesus

Comes at night so as to not bee seen
You are from God, it is clear...saw something real
You must be born again

I found it...I lost it...I never lost it
Don't be lost by the work

UMC is lower key...Don't confuse low key with lack of purpose

Jesus meaning is clear
Jesus means that those who find true faith in God, trust him
Follow him
They are not stuck in the ruts of their preconceived notions
Somehow their soul has reconnected to God

Story of the snakes Numbers2:1-9
Relating to Ni cod emus' world
They had to look up to be delivered from the serpents
Poster, list up thine eyes
Albert Einstein, nothing is a miracle

When we look up, we transcend the struggle of this world
We are born again
Our hearts, mind and souls are free

Does you soul seek to be connected to God? Look up, look to the cross
Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
My job here is not primarily to hand sheet rock or build fences
If I can help you in your journey, please call me...

Do you yearn for more of Him?
then see more of him

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