Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Christmas Story Matthew 2 December 27, 2009

The Christmas Story Matthew 2 December 27, 2009

10When they say the star, they were overjoyed. 11On coming to the house, they say the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

Random thoughts about gifts
Johnny Carson story...bought son a tank $100, played in the box
Next year, the kid gets a box

Jesus Got Gifts
Gold, frankincense and myrrh

Why do the wise men bring gold, frankincense and myrrh?
Uses of them:
  1. Gold is obvious
  2. Frankincense is an aromatic resin obtained from trees - it is used in incense as well as perfumes
    Signifies that he is to be worshipped
  3. Myrrh - symbolism of this gift?

    Nicodemus, comes bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds of weight. So they took the body of Jesus and bound if in linen wrappings with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews - John 19:39-40

    In the ex 30 myrrh is mentioned as a primary ingredient in the holy anointing oil

    Psalm 45 mentions myrrh as a kingly fragrance

    On the cross...and they offered him wine and mingled with myrrh; but he did not take it - Mark 15:22-23
There is probably all kinds of symbolism, but the real fact of the matter is that these are the valuables of the day. That which was traded on the overland trade routes. They needed the money to make the trip to Egypt...

Jesus and his family made a long trip to Egypt, to get away from King Herod. Does that mean that they were illegal aliens?

So the son of God receives gifts...
But only what he needs - they don't retire, they are not on lottery winners 3
Does not consume more just because he can

Man am I preaching to myself today

We give and receive gifts
Movie - A Christmas Story
not much to use - the boy wanted a bb gun

Strangest gift you have ever received? [elephant]
Strangest gift you ever gave...

Why do we give the gifts that we give

Gifts we give...
Shoes to my son...needed
Shoes to my wife or daughter????

Rock band - the Beatles
Little cars - I love them, but if you see the collection...something is wrong

so why do we give the gift that we give?
To some degree, each of us have limited resources
Is there a higher purpose to our giving

Do you give something, just so that you can say that you did?
Of do you try to better the person with your gift

But Pastor, Isn't joy enough? Sure.maybe joy is enough, but let's think about what we give.
Wouldn't want to give bb guns would we?

best gift you ever received...easy bake oven...vibrating football field
Vibrating football
Dad gave me - Character

Gifts...gold, frankincense and myrrh
the best gifts prepare us for the journey of living, they are not simply consumed

whether we give or receive
Really Good Gifts do things for us on the inside
When we give back, we get back...something happens to us...
And when you are on the receiving end, you just are good in your soul

God gave gifts at Christmas
The gifts of Christmas are not gold, frankincense or myrrh
But a child, a son, salvation, love, grace
God gives us what we need

What kind of things so we ask god for?
Better cars, better jobs, more sweaters?
Give us this day our daily bread.

Sometimes we just have to remember that God has promised to supply our needs. Nothing more.
Paul said, I have learned to be content...

How are we using our resources...

when we give in ways that provide meaning and joy and life, we experience the gift of a spiritual life.

We give as God gives.

God gives us gifts that matter.
Let's not worry so much about wanting more or blaming it on God when...
We don't get what we want...

Whatever you get this year, load up extra stuff and give it to the poor.

Random thoughts of giving...


Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: Money and status are not basic human needs. Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts... the only true gift is a portion of ones self-----that is what God gives to us...

'We don't have enough time is life left to worry about who didn't do whatever to be able to get together more...no guilt, not hurt feelings, just a constant effort to cherish any time we can get together!!!

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