Thursday, May 27, 2010

DNA-Body of Christ Psalm 122:10 10/18/09

DNA-Body of Christ Psalm 22:10 10/18/09 - commitment Sunday
Psalm 122:1 - i rejoice with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD."
Psalm 122 - i was glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of the lord

Well today is commitment Sunday
No reason to feel funny. We need to do this once a year.
If you are a visitor don't worry about any of this...if you are a member...
should feel like a celebration

Series on the body of Christ....
Every person is a soul
We are connected
Week 3 - DNA

DNA is what makes us tick - the power of corporate participation.

The total is worth more than the sum of it's parts.
Corporate Energy. Moves in concert to accomplish Goal.
-Starfish and the Spider - Self re-generating DNA
Together, we are something awesome
Not because Jeff says
But because we have learned together what our mission is

Is it worth supporting?
This should be the easiest sermon I have ever preached
Why I Love Woods Chapel

Where do I begin....
The scripture says I was glad....

  1. I love WCC for what it does for Children.
    We care, Sunday school, youth group
    And you have raised mine.

    The scripture says I was glad when they said...
  2. I love WCC because here I have won the friend lottery
the people make me glad - I was glad when they said to me
What are there so many good people - Kent Chappelow

I received a note from someone on this topic
I love the people of Woods Chapel Church! I have made lifelong wonderful, caring, compassionate friends here. I feel the love of our congregation, not just here in our building, but also in our community. Everywhere I go, I seem to run into someone I know from church. It always fills me with a wonderful feeling when I am at the grocery store, the mall or at a restaurant to receive a friendly greeting from a WCC friend. AH

I love Wood Chapel because of Gina & Kevin, Kris B, Megan, clay, Lisa & Tom, Tom H, John M, Jeff M, Easton, Brian Swanson, AJ & Theresa, Jim & Pam, Erin, Charlie & Shawna, Julia F, Jerry & Shelley, Chad & Carla, Terry M, Paul Q, Eric S, every Sunday school teacher that has had one of my kids in his or her class, the men who welcomed me to the softball game in 1997, the prayer team, the people who take card of our building and the grounds, those who teach adult programs. those who lead and participate in the many missions and ministries and because of every single person who lets us offer them the love of Christ. DT

3. I love WCC because you treat me and others with grace

This is what makes it the house of the Lord.
What is different here? this is the grace place...
we feel Gods presence because we focus on his love.

In your blog you talked about those who were turned off by church. I was one of those people many years ago. I'm so thankful I found WCC

i wanted to share the email I received from my friend - she is a self-described non-believer in Christ and doesn't think church is a place where people feel as if they belong. I've shared my experience about my huge spiritual growth (relaxation? peace?) since coming to WCC. She was interested and asked me to share more...Little by little I 've shared with her and she CAME! How awesome. And--she really felt comfortable and enjoyed the experience. How cool! SM

I love Woods Chapel because when I walk in, it's even better than going home. I feel safe and loved there, and my friends feel like my family. I've even "adopted" one lady as my Woods Chapel mom, because she is kinda like my chosen mom. I love that when I walk into a building, I immediately feel better, and I don't feel judged or afraid that I might do or say something wrong. - Lori


You may recall a conversation that we had one time in which I was running off at the mouth about my perception that nearly every church denomination...and maybe even many local churches, had a pet doctrine that is perceived to separate them from others. We talked about churches that "specialize" in the worship styles, etc.

I went on to say the Woods Chapel may also have a pet doctrine by which we are known. You asked what is it? I responded..."grace, grace, grace...that's all you hear around here." Truth be known...I love Woods Chapel, in part, because "grace...grace...grace" isn't just talked about, it's practiced. No one is examining my life and critiquing it to see if it measures up...although there are a couple of precious friends that care about me enough to be honest with me when something needs to come to my attention.

Motivation is a critical component to growth. I come to know God better as I walk and talk with Him as Friend to friend...not because someone is shaming me or instructing me to get to know God better, or inspecting by fruit.

We can talk about Grace until it becomes cliche', but grace practiced does not require much talk. bobf

Somehow the word generosity comes to my mind

I have watched your generosity, and the kindness that you show to others will live on for generations. Acts of generosity are the joyful moments that help us live in eternity, in the here and now.

I watched you care about that person. I have watched you take in a stranger. I saw you give the coat off you back.

When we give ourselves away the way that you do, I know that we are in our fathers will.

finally, I love WCC because we offer something real.

The missions make me glad

Whatever you did for the least of these

Dreaming big dreams: adoption, Russia,Jamacia, permission giving, prom dresses

this place is different. It's different...hard to put into words sometimes...but you cannot help but feel it when you just sit back and listen each week in church. it's a warm place...not churchy.

The honesty makes me glad - Authenticity, reality, no pretending

I love WCUMC because for 25 years, without fail, this is the place that I can come to and immediately feel surrounded by peace, love, understanding and hope. This church is my rock and my salvation.
October 15, 2009 1:26 PM

A few months ago my wife and I brought some friends to our church for the very first time. These had a deep need. It didn't matter that they weren't members, it didn't matter that they had never served the church, it didn't matter that they had gone a long time being unchurched. What mattered was they were in need of help, not financially, not medically but spiritually. They needed a place, a hand, a life raft, some tools, to cope with what life had laid on them.

Woods Chapel provided that for them, unconditionally. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of the people at our church. They reached out to them in more ways than I know of. Someone they had just met, they treated like they had been coming to our church for 10 years. I didn't have to ask, our folks just knew what to do.

His family's journey is on going and I know Woods Chapel is their home. Our church has hundreds of ministries and you're always telling us to make room for more. It never hit home with me until my friend needed help, when I needed help, Woods Chapel was there. You may not have known my friend, but you need to know that he found comfort in each of you, comfort in our church, deepened his faith with help of those at Woods Chapel.

So what? Therefore:

We aren't giving our money just to have a beautiful building. We are giving to each other.

Our efforts and money go farther when we pull together
Is all of this worth supporting? I think so

I am simply suggesting to you today that we have much to be thankful for. I invite you to join me and my family as we make our commitments for 2010.

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