Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How's This Gonna Turn-out? - Psalm 51:1-13 6-12-94

How's This Gonna Turn-out? - Psalm 51:1-13 6-12-94

thank you Becky Hughes and PPRC for accepting my appointing here
in their honor, story of preacher sent from Missouri to West Texas

Starts off good...but how is it gonna turn out?
you know we're all human...and funny things happen when humans are involved

Lets consider the life of David
-shepherd boy
-called by God...annointed as king
-kills the giant
-friends with Jonathan
-served faithfully in the courts of Saul
wish this was the end of the story, but...
one day David was out for a stroll on his deck
spies an interesting sight
calls for Bathsheba
leading to big trouble
Nathan the prophet
the sheep story
David doe not get it...we are all a little like that
you are the man
David is cut to the heart
writes these words: Psalm 51
yearnings of repentance

So how does David's life turn out?
David's life wasn't all peachy after that
baby died...trouble with Absolom...didn't build temple
because of his confession, and god's mercy
david was known as a man after God's own heart
we remember him as a great man

How's this gonna turn out?...we don't know
what lies ahead of us as individualist
Maybe some good things, maybe some hard things
we don't even know if we are going to be here tomorrow
It is fair to remember that we are the called...
we are the whom God has placed his hand upon
we are sometimes scoundrels

But we know the God of the universe
we are His people, we are the forgiven ones, we are the people of a clean heart
we are the people of hope
the past is behind us, the future ahead

so no matter what, we fo forth together knowing that our God is with us
my friends, it doesn't get any better than that...Amen

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