Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friendship With God John11:41-43 08-24-08

Friendship with God - John11:41-43 08-24-08

41So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me." 43When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" 44The dead man came out, hi shands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and cloth around his face.
"Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

Set up the story-Friendship with God.....modeled by Jesus in this scripture

Jesus relationship with the father - a connection
I know you hear me

places in this relationship with God
  1. don't know of him, don't know him
  2. know and believe, I am an American that makes me a Christian
Whose job is it to decide who the good Christians are?

3. I made a decision
I have heard of Dave Harris
I met Dave Harris
I bought a Dave Harris t-shirt
I wear his logo, sign, necklace
I go to the place where they remember him every week
But I an not doing anything more with that
Sometimes Christians quit here

4. friendship with God - Let's contrast 3 and 4
Friendship with God is not a point in time
I believe/time of decision
many people stop here....never grow up

There is a difference between becoming a Christian and have a friendship with God
Thief of the cross

Knowing about God vs knowing him
head vs heart
more than knowledge, more than a feeling, real connection, submission
without submission it is all talk
submission means to listen, to care, to be open to be engaged

We want learning to be enough
We want a formula
But we should be growing in grace

being a Christian is not arriving somewhere
It is arriving at humility=understanding that we do not know

it means giving all of you know of yourself, to all that you know of God
that changes as we change

some people want the hard boundaries.
just think this and you are ok
then you can act like a Christian diva
you can become self-righteous
old saying: those who say don't know, those who know, don't have to say

The elephant and the dog-The elephant went in to town. The elephant goes right along without so much as bothering to observe what people are thinking and doing. Whereas the little dog barks ar every other dog it meets and at people who come in the opposite direction

Mystery does not require defenders - idols do - mystery makes us humble

The Christian faith is not about normal people pretending to be holy
It is about normal people having a relationship with God

Jesus had nothing to prove, he just was who he was....

Handles on having a relationship with God, being his friend
I cannot give you 3 steps or 4 spiritual laws
But I can paint a picture, hold up some thoughts give you some handles

Handle 1 - A relationship with God is natural
no pretense - just like you were talking with your best friend

Handle 2 - Relationship with God is helped by spiritual disciples
what are they? - prayer, fasting, bible study, retreat, journaling, reflection, personal worship, confession and solitude
spiritual disciplines should help, can help but don't always
spiritual disciplines without submission leads to spiritual arrogance
spiritual disciplines plus submission equals relationship

Handle 3 - Relationship with God involves listening
Christians should talk less and listen more
learning to hear the voice of the spirit-my sheep hear my voice

John10:27My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.

Handle 4 - Relationship friendship with God flavors us
let us go on to perfection - Wesley - to be make perfect in love in this life

replacing selfishness, pride, the self - with love, joy, peace, patience

trusting God
faith in God in the midst of difficulty
eyes on God not circumstances

Handle 5 - Relationship with God involves mystery
Mystery does not require defenders - idols do - mystery makes us humble.
questions related to life that are tough
we find wholeness when we are in a relationship with God
Why an I here - what is my purpose - am I ok?

Relaxing with mystery makes us peaceful
That trust eventually gives us...dying grace
it has been a good ride. I am ready to go

we don't arrive overnight
journey of Peter
call of disciples...put down nets
walking on water - slipping beneath the waves
serving faithfully then the 3 denials
identifying Jesus the Messiah, then hearing "get thee behind me"
much to do before he is ready to give his life in mission and give life for the mission

where are you in your relationship with God
Pope John Paul said:
Christ "walks through the centuries alongside each generation, alongside every generation, alongside every person. he walks alongside each person as a friend. An important day in a young person's life is the day on which he becomes convinced that this is the only Friend who will not disappoint him, on whom he can always count."--Pope John Paul II

you can choose to believe
you can choose to grow
it takes time
for this we were created

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