Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Are The Things That You Love? Matthew 6:25-34 10-19-97

What Are The Things That You Love? Matt. 6:25-34

This is my hammer. It is a 20-oz framing hammer. Used for big jobs. I've had it for 20 years...we have a relationship. I was on are times when you are supposed to do the things that you love. I was hammering at Amy's deck. Tuesday about 5:00, I got arm-weary. I leaned back against the house...what am I doing this for? I am on vacation, what do I want to do? What do I really love?

Starting thinking about friends, neighbors; went home and made cookies for neighbors. Thought about my family; how can I be a better father? Started thinking about all of you; thought about the church.

I love my kids...though they don't always do what I think they should. And though the church is not perfect, I love the church too. I don't even understand what God is doing all the time, but I love the Lord.

I love these things because they are filled with meaning. Having friends is a very meaningful thing. Raising children is a meaningful thing. Serving the Lord and His church is a very meaningful thing.

You know, whether we're on vacation or not, we should spend our time on the things that matter.

Jesus' audience at this setting was lost in the stuff of the world. Some things never change. We, too, spend our time worrying about and clamoring for the stuff of life. We get so caught up in junk that we forget the simple but important things.

Jesus' advice was simple: Seek first the kingdom of God, and all this will be added to you. I think Jesus softpedaled what he really meant. Does everyone get the food and clothes they want when they trust God? Don't get lost in the little things; every day has enough trouble of its own. Seek the things that really matter, and find the meaning that life has to offer. (story of chicken and pig)

This month is Commitment Month. Letters, speeches, missions and devotion to God have been lifted up. Please take a break from the hammering. Lean up against the house. Consider the things that you love, consider the things that matter.

Do you believe in the mission of this church? Please turn in a commitment card. More than that -- did God give you a life that can be filled with meaning? Arrange your priorities, re-commit your life to the Lord, seek first the kingdom of God.

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