Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is Christ Still Within You? Philippians 3:1-11 9-28-97

Is Christ Still Within You? Phil 3:1-11

Have you ever had doubts? Lacking confidence? Am I a Christian?

Paul...good stock, followed the law, zealous. Counted them all lost for the sake of Christ. The things which we often think make us Christians are the things that we must lose.

Otherwise the Christ within can get lost in the shuffle.
  • I have worked in the church for so long that I have associated the work with the Christ and lost the Christ.
  • I have been a Christian for so long that I have associated the Christ with the routine and lost the Christ.
  • I have done what my mother said for so long that I have associated the Christ with my mother and lost the Christ.

Paul rejects this stuff and says...I want to be found in Him...I want to know Him. How do you know if you are a Christian? Russ Cline...going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than hanging out in a garage makes you a car.

Taking on attributes of those whom we are around. Vic H, Roger G, Jesus C. Age 10 conversion...nothing else...does God honor that stuff? Maybe so. Humble spirit of Christ. Let this spirit also be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. As soon as you think you are together, you are in trouble. Ongoing relationship...keep renewing the relationship...a little struggle is good...

How do you know you are a Christian? The spirit itself bears witness with our spirits that we are the children. Sometimes close...sometimes distant...happy, sad. That thing that makes us alive as Christians...the Christ within. I want to know Him, I want to fellowship with Him.

What do we focus on to know that it is still there? Not will still have ups and downs. Not will still mess up. Does the general tenor of your living exemplify the loving, humble spirit of Christ?

It is something that we must stay after...keep working on. Theologians have argued over beliefs and actions for hundreds of years. Theologians have never argued over the tenor of the spirit of Christ within.

I invite you to find again the Christ within, to know Him, to fellowship with Him, to share your life, your days, your moments with Him.

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