Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tell them who I am Psalm 150 8-27-95

Tell them who I am Psalm 150

Knowing about something vs knowing someting
softball.....grounding....Bill Clinton
God...many know about Him....less know him

Sermon Development
"just tell them who I am....tell them about the God that you know"

He is the creator

He is the sustainer

Intimately involved... no room for deism

He courts
before you ever became a Christian

He wins
I don't know how he does it exactly...in many different ways
but I know that he does it.

He loves

Voy Spears....I don't know what to say...
but let me tell you about the God that I know

We can take joy....our hearts can be full of hope....we can praise
we serve a God who is worth knowing
A God who is alive

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