Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Lord is Patient 1-18-98

The Lord Is Patient (Low Pressure)

What do cats and dogs think when they wait by the door?

The cleaner sales people are relentless in their efforts, using pressure beyond description.

We are, by nature, impatient -- we press for what we want. I'm OK, you're OK. A child wants what he wants when he wants it. We actually believe that the world revolves around us. We actually believe that our ideas are the best/only ones. We act like we believe our ideas to be the best. It is the nature of sin -- gimme, gimme, gimme.

In the Kingdom of God, Jesus offers the best product. In the Kingdom of God, the world DOES revolve around Jesus.

God/Jesus is patient.....patient in the wilderness wanderings.....patient with the lost son.....stands at the door.....knocks at the door.....waits for you to accept and follow.....patient with your misconceptions about life. Truth is like that: it just hangs out there, waiting for the next time you come along.

Do you feel that you have sinned? Know and believe that God is patient with you. Are you not ready? The Holy Spirit will be back. His presence is a promise of real help.

Think of the times you resisted the most ----- months, years, yet He still knocks. Our God is great. Are you aware of a tug? Maybe this is your day. Feel it, think on it, seize upon it. Hear the knock, open the door, let Him in. God is calling this preacher; God is calling this church.

What a God we serve! He is patient, loving and merciful with his people. He is inviting, compelling all to come to Him. When you look at his character, you want to come to Him, for He truly is great.

1 comment:

youngshepherd said...

This sermon helped me realize I need to throw away something I had "forgotten" about. I was probably around 10 years old. The preacher told us that the Holy Spirit would eventually stop calling us, and we would be beyond help if we continued to reject salvation. Of course, every other Sunday was the emotional plea not to leave without "nailing down your salvation" lest you die in a car accident and spend eternity in hell (standard operating procedure). Man. Just keep preaching freedom in Christ. A magnificent God. Because there are a lot of failed Christianstein experiments out there just waiting to come to life when we realize that Love. Is. Enough.