Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How We Spend Our Time Luke 10:38-42 8-9-98

Mary & Martha Luke 10:38-42

When the kids are gone, we spend our time differently. We slept in and went to a movie -- Saving Private Ryan. There will be a sermon on that movie in the future, but today I must say that every day is a gift from God, so how will we use it?

Mary and Martha are a contrast in choices. Is it better to sit and learn, or to serve? Which is better? Not that one is good and one is bad; both are needed....timing is of the essence.

There is a time to sit and learn. There's too much "busy work" in the world and too little time spent sitting at the feet of Jesus. Worship does not equal sitting at the feet of Jesus. Let's talk about Sunday School -- it helps you to learn and grow as a person, to make friends, to grow as a Christian. I've watched men go for the wife, then stay for the camaraderie....and suddenly find themselves growing. We have new opportunities -- take them.

There is a time to serve. Summer is coming to an end. I thought we would have a busy summer, but we haven't been that busy. We haven't had any work days. We've taken a break. Attendance is down, finances are down. There is a day coming when we will need to step up our efforts. The church is defined by the efforts that we all put in, not by just a few. Friends talk of the sermon..."Sanctuary-only Christians." How many of us have sat and never got involved? Where would we be if all were like that -- pew potatoes? It is time for this body of Christ to get up and go. Are you guilty of being a pew potato?

How are you spending you time and your efforts? Too often, too much of what we do is based on what we want to do, not what God wants us to do. We follow our own leading, not the leading of the Spirit. This church needs your best. We need you close to Jesus Christ, and ready to work. I invite you to search your heart, to follow the lead of the Spirit, to grow in Christ, to get up and go to work. Amen.

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