Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is the Latest Rage? Philippians 2:5-11Aug. 16, 1998

What is the Latest Rage? August 16, 1998

Phil. 2:5-11

What's your attitude? Which one do you pick up when you rise in the morning?
It's all the rage....road rage....officer dealt with 2 motorists right here in our parking lot
church rage...read article....why? read 2nd article

regardless of issues.setting.reasons
there is too much of self centered attitudes
We make too many excuses for our bad attitudes
Ultimately, even Christians fight the notion that the world revolves around us.
we spend too much money
our mouths run too much
we discipline our children based on what is convenient for us
In spite of our parents best efforts, sin still persists in the form of self centered living

to just such a people, Paul wrote "let this mind be in you" take this attitude
important passage, familiar to early Christians as a hymn
follow the example of Christ and apply humility to your life

With Paul's admonition in mind; let's spend a few minutes and reflect on some thoughts
-Don you always have to be right
-when someone challenges your ideas, does it make you angry
- when was the last time you apologized for something
-are you willing to apologize even in a situation where you think you are right if the ultimate long-term outcome is better relationship?
-do you come across in a manner that is inviting to others?
-do you let your spouse win arguments sometimes?
-even if it makes you look demeaned
-are you willing to be the butt of jokes from time to time
-do I spend any time thinking about others?
- do I spend any time helping others
-how much time do I spend think about God
inviting him in?

are we doing well with this?
what do you see? what do others see?
Nancy Locke story...all Jeff's are selfish
what does God see?

It may be all the rage to be self centered
Because Jesus humbles himself, He has been exalted. He has become Lord
the movie.. Highlander, there can only be one
There can be only one.....either we follow him or we follow ourselves
I invite you today to invite Jesus Christ in, not just on the surface where people see your outer shell, but invite him in a little deeper into the places in your heart where you really live.

Let us pray

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