Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fresh Directions Philippians 3:1-15

Sermon 1-2-11 fresh directions Phil 3:1-15 clip vs 1-4a

12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.

Fresh directions for the new year
I don’t need a fresh direction………
Everyone needs to move on, move forward.

Jesus is going somewhere
Yes occasionally he sits, but usually he is going somewhere…

He sent his disciples out Two by two
Send his disciples out – 70 of them

On the road to Jerusalem
On the road to Emmaus
Go ye into all the world

Jesus is going somewhere
In 2011 where are you on the road w jesus

But I like where I am in life.
Is it where Jesus would have you to be?
The greatest enemy of our growth is us

Learning and unlearning
This is what repentance is all about……
Gold is scraped, shaved , cut, melted

Three most difficult things for a human being-
• Returning love for hate
• Including the excluded
• Admitting that you are wrong

Passage today, Paul says he has not arrived, but is pressing on
Forgetting what is behind, he is pressing onward
There is more
Where are you going on the road with Jesus in 2011

Every year on the first Sunday, Wesley gave directions to his preachers – I am not Wesley, you are not his preachers, but I want to give you some things to think about as we enter 2011

Some New directions
1. To listen for the nudge
how are you led by the holy spirit
weekly or monthly nudges
To show up for someone

2. In the dark valley
to not simply give a pat and run back to your comfort
it is called dark for a reason
spend what time you can
grab a hold of them. I hear you. I love you. I stand with you
when one hurts, everyone hurts

3. In missions
History of woods chapel missions
Everyone on a missions trip
Everyone involved hands on
Integral part of our understanding of the Christian faith
Billy and franklin graham
Betty perkins

Did you know that
• we are sending at least 3 teams to Jamaica this year
• 54% of Haitians do not have a dependable water source
• Every 6 seconds a child dies of hunger related causes
• Our church sponsors an orphanage in Russia w 48 kids
• The largest surge in our youth group attend is after a mission trip

• What if everyone went on a mission trip in 2011
• How would we impact the world
• How would you grow if you went on one trip this year?
• Which one will you choose
• We are encouraging each member of WCC to make a difference for jesus this year in the mission field

4. To be present with god
not just on Sunday morning – worship or waking up?
every day, every where
to see the sky and give thanks
to see the trees and give thanks
to see the wonder of God
practicing the presence of God- brother andrew

these things I ask you to work on this year as your pastor
forget what is behind, lean forward for more in these areas
let’s press on to the high calling in Christ Jesus

Covenant prayer pg 607

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