Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Confessions of a pastor 1 John 4:9-12 8-22-10

Sermon Confessions of a pastor 1 John 4:9-12 8-22-10 nnn

9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son[a] into the world that we might live through him. 10This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for[b] our sins. 11Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

Intro - Confessions of a pastor

I want to teach more about prayer-

Meeting about equipping – video we saw

Prayer isn’t going to cut it as a topic

Last week I said I don’t know if you like me

I sometimes don’t feel that god loves me. Don’t believe that god can love me

And so john is writing to some people – why?
They had questions doubts about love.
Their world is dominated by power - power of empire.
Masters have power over slaves. men have power over women.
the Pharisees exert their power for manipulation and control.
To a world that was about power and control, that left a lot of hurt people. Behind in its wake john tells of a god who loves.

Johns message of love:

1. Love shown by the gift of a son

2. God acted first. Not that we loved God, but God loved us.
We don’t have to earn it. We love him because he first loved us-

This cant be that great of a sermon. There is nothing historical here, nothing theologically impressive, but there is something here that so many of us can resonate with – under it all – I hear this story all the time. Grown up people still hoping that someone will tell them that they are loved

Princess and the frog
Its like we are a frog waiting to be kissed. Even when we are, we don’t stay a prince, we keep turning back into frogs

So - I wonder if I am loved. Do you ever wonder?

What is it about crowds that make me want to hide?

Do my kids really love me? I know my kids love me but there is an underlying nagging voice that says they cant
You aren’t good enough

Failure to thrive

Up into 30’s looking for dads approval.
Dad told me he loved me I was 38

One girlfriend after another
Kept a list of turn downs = 38

Class clown looking for approval.

Head vs heart knowledge o f love

Book- are you my mother

It is the story about a mother chicken who knows her egg will be in her nest where
she left it, so she leaves him alone to go and get something for him to eat. The
baby chicken hatches. He does not understand where his mother is so he goes
to look for her. In his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are
his mother. They each say, "No."
Then he sees an old car, which cannot be his mother for sure. In desperation,
the hatchling calls out to a boat and a plane, and at last, convinced he has found
his mother, he climbs onto the teeth of an enormous power shovel. But as it
shudders and grinds into motion he cannot escape. "I want my mother!" he shouts.
But at this climactic moment, his fate is suddenly reversed. The shovel drops him
back in his nest, just as his mother is returning home, and the two are reunited,
much to their delight. He then tells her about the adventure he had looking for her.

Maybe this is why I have gone into the ministry I
wanted to help you believe god loves you and if
I can do that, maybe I will catch it myself along the

Points to ponder – so what do we do?

1. Keep talking to God - Reprogram w scripture
Jesus is welcomed in to mary and marthas house
God so loved the world

2. Give self space to heal
Grow in acceptance –
with the measure you judge it will be measured to you.
Press your paradigm

3. Read helpful books
Demello on love – do you want a copy?

4. Most importantly, Love others
Paul at the gas station
when we are loving others it tends to rub off on us

So this video reminded me of my need to be loved and of the joy that we find when we share love with others. Lets watch: to be loved

Free hugs campaign video

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