Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Joyeux Noel Isaiah 2:1-5 December 20, 2009

Joyeux Noel Isaiah 2:1-5 December 20, 2009

1this is what Isaiah of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem; 2In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised about the hills, and all nations will stream to it. 3Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." the law will go out from Zion. the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. 5Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD.

The prophet for tell a time when the Lord will come to earth, he will teach us his ways and we will walk in this paths. This is not just a baby in a manger but a king who will rule with justice and put an end to war. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. The one to come will make wars cease
  • Arabs and Israelis
  • Muslims and Christians - 9 crusades over 200 years 1100 - 1300
Point is, this kind of stuff will end. This is a new kind of kingdom and a new kind of king who has the power to end wars.

Story of the Christmas truce - go tot side papers...

the movie story that we share today is a little known from 2005 Joyeux Noel

Academy Awards: Oscar, Best Foreign Language Film of the Year, France; 2006.
Golden Globes: Golden Globe, Best Foreign Language Film, France; 2006

Setting is WW1 - began in summer of 1914...revolutionary war tactics - WW1 tactics...trench warfare...snipers, machine guns

Time to charge...

In between the trenches is no man's land

Story begins that in 1914 the Germans received Christmas trees
both sides get something extra to drink

Germans put their trees up on top of the trench on Christmas Eve

Everyone is having a great time
Laughter, drinking, relaxing in a time of great fear

Then one side starts to sing, and the other side listens.
The song changes the tone, the moment, the heart

They creep their heads out of the trenches to watch and greet each other. Then on brave German man steps out. He is singing Silent Night.

Then the bagpipes of the Scots begin to play along.

the German officer goes to get his singer
The Scottish officer comes out
The officers end up in the middle of no mans land

Pretty soon they are all out...pouring out of their trenches into no mans land
Sharing a handshake, a name, tobacco, a drink of whatever they had. Pictures of their girls.

In the midst of a world that is encompassed with war, there is still a great hope for something better

The Christmas truce of 1914 occurred at several places along the front.
Daily get togethers, soccer games
Finally had to move the regiments
The war raged on for 4 more years....16m dead 21m wounded

Return from side papers

One little tune breaks the night, and it calls forth something more, something deeper than how we normally live. Calls us back to how we are supposed to be

So about now you are saying that you are glad that I finally have a sermon that is not picking on you.

You are not in the Army. You are not at war.

You are even powerless to affect whether our country is at war or not. the whole premise of the sermon is far removed from where you live.

Is that what you are thinking

[Take nothing that I say now as regards to our country and war. I do not know the information that our joint chiefs and president know. I am a poor preacher - let's talk about us.]

Well, not every war is nation engaging nation.
Sometimes wars are neighbor to neighbor
Business associate to business partner
Employee to fellow employee
Cousin to cousin
Brother to brother
Husband to wife
Wife to husband

In this Isaiah text we find people living in the presence of swords and spears, nations in dispute with one another

And you in a battle today, if you are, then this king has something to say to you
Maybe you are mostly at peace, just an occasional was
Little fight at work, little problem at home, in line at Macys

Woman was killed on Friday night in a road rage incident in KCK

What I was a teenager, people my age and a little over drove VW buses, marched for peace and loved one another. I missed most of this because I was a part of the establishment.
But I have had much sympathy for them over the years. But where are they now? They all own homes, drive cards and are working hard to protect their way of life. They have become a part of the establishment. We sell our principles to keep our comfort. What is mine must be protected at all costs.

We end up reacting instead of action

This same Jesus who promised to bring wars to an end will settle the disputes between many. Verse four

And so the song goes out, the tune goes forth...
What image does this conjure up in your head
Back at home, in my church
With my parents
Time of comfort
Time of the presence of loved ones
Simpler time
A child is born a baby given
God loves us
And we are saved

This same Jesus who promised to bring wars to an end will settle the disputes between many. Verse four
Here is how he does it - you choose to see a better way, you choose to lay your weapons down

If you are in battle, it is time to lay down your weapons. Climb our of your trench and step towards your enemy.

Road rage, don't pick up your sword
Pride and arrogance in the office, put your weapon down
Power struggle at home - lay down your sword
I heard of someone recently who did not take up a fight
I was contacted by another about a threatening email

My kids like to say, don't be a hater
Jesus said, Do not render evil for evil but overcome evil with good

You do not know what they will do, but you do know that there will never be peace until you lay your weapons down.

this king who is to come invites us to be on the front line, the first of a new kind of people. In Advent, a new day is dawning. A new king, a new kingdom. A kingdom of love

and so we are invited by verse 5
"Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord."

And so we light a candle of hope

Walk to the manger.....

Intro to Walk to the Manger 2009

We are so glad that you have joined us for worship today.
In a few months we will close with out song of sending
But now, one of our blessed traditions at WCC is the walk to the manger.

Just as shepherds and wisemen of old to worship and to offer their gifts
We too take time each Christmas to offer our gifts and worship.

If you have brought a gift today I invite you to join me as we take a walk to the manger.

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