Monday, December 14, 2009

Taking Care of the Children - Matthew 18:1-6 4-19-09

Taking Care of the Children - Matthew 18:1-6 4-19-09

1At that time the disciples can to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?"
2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: I will tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. 6But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If you had one day left, one act of kindness - who?

before I had children - i thought they were annoying.
My life was largely about me
Then I had some children and realized that they are wonderful
Now, mine are leaving and I think about what is left...
What will we do, and the vital role that adults can make in the life of a child

What is this scripture about?
Jesus is welcoming children
Protecting children - their innocence, their future, their opportunities

It is about setting aside adult agenda, so that children get what they need.
Side bar - do you ever hear parents talk about doing something for the kids, but it is really for them or their life didn't turn out just how I wanted, so I am going to relive it thru my kid...

What is a millstone? How did it work?
This is not a nice wish that Jesus has for those who harm children.

Why this is spiritual - Why is this important?
When children are not cared for:
They are hurt, broken, even killed
Examples of this are too many

Let's take a moment to recognize use of children as soldiers around the world
Comments made by children who were rescued from this life-
"An army recruitment unit arrived at my village and demanded two recruits. Those who could not pay 3000 kyats had to join the army." (Zaw Tun, Burmese ex-army soldier)

I was so afraid of dying. But my friends warned me if the rebel commanders detected any fear in me, they would kill me. So I had to pretend to be brave." (Charles, 12, Rwanda refugee)

"They abducted me but still went ahead to kill my mother and father that night." (Richard, 12, Rwanda refugee)

"When I get older, I will organize a gang and seek my father's revenge." (Asif, 12, Afghan Refugee)

"In counseling sessions they said they had only killed small children. They believed that made it a smaller sin." (BBCSwahili Reporter, Valerie Msoka)

"I just want to go home and be with my family." (Christopher, 12, Uganda)

And it gets closer to home
  • Liberty UMN
  • Sandra Cantu, 8 years old, murdered in Tracy California
  • Pastor & wife in KCK
Not every life is scarred, some just don't get what they need
raised in families where everything else is important except faith, they find themselves at 18 or 25 or 35 or older with no foundation of faith.
Yes, they were not abused or hurt, but I wonder what Jesus would say to those parents?

when boundaries are put in place and priorities set
Children have a chance to grow up safely and to learn about God's love.

How does this relate to us? What are we doing at WCC?
Relationships are based on trust. Churches are based on trust
How do you build trust? By setting up policies and procedures that allow ministry to happen.

Ken Woodruff - so glad to hear that staff do not handle money
Frame work of safety is in place so that kinds and adults can learn that Jesus lovesme

The state has requirements that we have to meet
Extensive background checks
Class size ration
Hot line procedures
and more

The conference has requirements that we have to meet
Safe boundaries training
mandated reporters
conference accountability agent: Dick Curry
where ever 2 or more are gathered...bad things can happen

We have added our own boundaries
employment policies include sections on child abuse and endangerment
key fob system on child care perimeter
secure perimeter on the office
background checks
all doors have windows in them
tag system for kids - sifn in, sign out in SS
security cameras

sometimes restrictions bother us
we don't like to jump through hoops
it is a different world. We have to keep our children safe.
Spiritually developed people set aside their own comfort and preference and ego for the sake of the mission

All of this si that the message of Jesus can be heard thru the way we live and through the programs offered at the church

I am asking you today to:

be comforted by this information
to feel confident about the way that your church is operating
I am asking you to support all children

During the Bosnian War a reporter was covering that conflict in Sarajevo, when he saw a little girl shot by a sniper. The reporter threw down his pad and pencil and stopped being a reporter for a few minutes. He rushed to the man who was holding the child, and helped them both into his car.

As the reporter stepped on the accelerator, racing to the hospital, the man holding the bleeding child said, "Hurry, my friend, my child is still alive."

A moment or two later, "Hurry, my friend, my child is still breathing."

A moment later, "Hurry, my friend, my child is still warm."

A moment later, "Hurry, Oh God, my child is getting cold."

When they got to the hospital, the little girl was dead. As the two men were in the lavatory, washing the blood off their hands and their clothes, the man who held the child turned to the reporter and said, "this is a terrible task for me. I must go tell her father that his child is dead. He will be heartbroken."

the reporter was amazed. he looked at the grieving man and said, "I thought she was your child."

The man looked back and said, "No, but aren't they all our children?"

Step up and help with programs
When I was a teenage our church had so many volunteers for Sunday school that some were turned down
We should never have to ask twice for volunteers for Sunday school or VBS.

You may want to go on the march on Saturday

Our children are waiting for you
Sunshine center, operation breakthrough, Ronald McDonald house, camino verdad verdida [5 year olds who have never seen a doctor] Russia orphanage ministry, adoption resource group, vbs, upward basketball, children's Sunday school, the Spofford House, DFS

How many children will sit in the waiting room at the Ronald McDonald House with no one to comfort them?
How many children will go to be hungry in our city tonight?
Just because they do not attend our church, doesn't mean that they don't matter-

Jesus is still saying, let the children come to me. Freinds, comeone has to bring them

That someone is us.
Change a life, help a child - let us pray

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