Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Connected - 08-30-09 - 1 Corinthians 12:14-20

Connected - 08-30-09 - 1 Corinthians 12:14-20

Ultimately, what these people are talking about today,
and what connecting Sunday is about, is not trying to get you connected to a program, or the church, or new friends.
Oh, all those things are great.
Programs help people, the church is awesome, and new friends are great.
But these are the beginning points for what connecting Sunday is really about.

But what we are trying to do at the church, and on connecting Sunday, is to help everyone learn to be connected to life in Jesus Christ.

I don't mean some guilt laden Jesus.
I don't mean some powerless little baby laying in a manger.
I mean the Jesus who forgives us and teaches us to live a life that matters

Facebook - do you have a facebook? Do you know what it is?
homepage - profile - about me....
I like power tools, gardening, music, here are 842 pictures of me

Jesus said, If you save your life, you lose it.
The monkey, the penny, the jar, his fist.
Most people are trying to save their life, doing the things that they want to do.
Hey, it is my life! But this is not the life we were designed for.

Jesus offers you a life that is about giving yourself away.
Not being a volunteer, not taking time to serve.
but coming to understand that we were meant to live outside of ourselves.
Odd as is sounds, that is where the joy is found.
Taking life to yourself? It won't make you happy.
Giving your life away? Exhilarating, Amazing

Is your life satisfying? Are you filled with joy?
Or are your life choices exhausting you and your children?

Each person out here in the connecting fair has been touched by the program that they are holding up to you.

Let's change our facebook profiles-
How about sharing the joy that I have found in caring about others.
How about pictures of us helping the least of these

Let go of the penny - pull your hand out of the jar-
withdraw from the rat race.
crazy as it sounds, we find joy when we are doing what we were created to do, and that means living a life that is giving ourselves away in the name of Jesus.

I asked you today to save your life by losing it. Get involved.
make new friends, live your life in balance,
as you are connected to God thru Jesus Christ.

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